Our children will also never see a live minstel show, or bear-baiting, or a cockfight.
He gets stabbed by his now estranged son (in a cliffside hanging bridge) while Short Round witnesses this in anger from the distance.
Oh, you mean she dropped an “F bomb” :(
This does nothing to help the fact that I have zero chill when it comes to James Buchanan Barnes.
I know I’m not alone in this, but I get so genuinely confused about this kind of thing. Like, to the point where my brain kinda short circuits. How on earth do people not understand the difference between their own religious freedom, and imposing it on someone else? I’m a gay woman. I have never, ever, ever once tried…
Why is it that organizations so often have people who are at most a couple years out of college running their social media outreach? Few things have the potential to get you in as deep of shit!
What is it with feet? Like, why is that the part of the fetus I’m supposed to get emotionally invested in?
Remember when Trump used to be orange? Orange, and not running for president? Man, those were good times.
You don’t need to say anything, though. I’m a man, too. When people say something about men in terms of women’s rights and feminism I realize they are discussing a history (and present) of oppression that is very much real, even if I specifically have not done whatever it is they are talking about. It is no skin off…
Because that materially diminishes the message that black lives *don’t* matter to a substantial portion of the US population. The message is black lives *also* matter, because to many “all lives” doesn’t actually include “black lives”. Black Lives Matter is a reminder.
The security mind is simply incapable of realizing that the opposition may actually be intelligent. Any problem MUST be the result of leakage or betrayal.