The best part is he never joined the basketball team, and the incident happened two years ago.
The best part is he never joined the basketball team, and the incident happened two years ago.
He probably gets fustrated when he’s in the liberry too.
Serious question. How many times do you think Gronk says “that’s what she said” per day? I’m guessing at least 6.
Glorification of the military to the extent that they can do no wrong has removed all critical debate of their use from public discourse to our collective detriment. The military is comprised of people like you and me, some are good and some are bad. Everybody joins the military for their own reasons (of which there…
“Very Classy, Tremendous—The Most Special Ops.”
“Almost everything went wrong.”
I read that this morning and promptly went back to bed. I had to play “if I won the lottery” in my head to fall asleep for an hour. I work from home so I’m lucky I can do that if needed. I’ve been taking a lot of mental health days. And drinking more than I should. The Slot has been like group therapy. <3
Isn’t most of their musical career a joke?
I thought they handled it exceptionally well. They clearly did a more thorough investigation than police and backed it up with facts. They kept it quiet until the players made it a public issue then they masterfully smacked it down. The coach decided to back the players play (bad move) and consequently he got his…
Here’s the thing: it isn’t 1994. People know what the internet is. We know that it’s easy for a stray tweet or statement to be misinterpreted. College coaches are paid hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars, and a big part of that salary is purportedly so that they can sell the program to alumni, and donors, and…
Gopher alum here—listened to entire AD presser and I agree. Aside from the fact he really wasn’t a great coach (Leidner claiming this is a sad day was laughable) he also could have simply declined comment altogether. By tweeting he essentially told his players it wasn’t his call, which (according to the pres and AD)…
Utter and complete revisionist bullshit. They threatened a boycott unless they lifted the suspensions. Period. They also indirectly demanded the AD be fired.
And my hatred for Mitch Leidner grows. What an arrogant prick. Outgoing senior has a lot of big tough things to say after heading the worst boycott to ever take place. YOU got him fired, Mitch. I hope everyone does transfer. Anyone involved in the boycott shouldn’t be welcomed back. We’ve always been a shitty team,…
The players made an arrogant power play that fans and alumni should be ashamed of. They essentially demanded the AD be fired for following up on the recommendations of the investigation.
The penis is mightier than the gun.
I absolutely reject the notion that Trump is a warlock but I do think he has some sort of redheaded game of thrones type witch behind his success. obviously.
I call bullshit. Everyone knows you need at least four witches to cast decent spells, so unless you’re going to produce another potential witch I won’t listen to this theory.
I agree it’s not the whole story and may be wrong to give the UPS guy the bulk of the kudos. But he had a decent sized and critical part to play.
No one thought they were risking their life to live here. Sure, the crime in cities is usually higher, but my partner didn’t think she was risking her life to go fucking dance. She didn’t even know what ghostship was, she was meeting a friend who was taking her.
People want a community. This group/party attendees included a lot of queer people for whom community means a lot. Just moving to a bumfuck cheap state is not an option for everyone. When I see queer people living in misery in some low cost-of-living place, I always think they need to move to an urban location where…