
Yeah...but they don’t know that. No one on the show but Bran knows they are related. And he will probably show up too late to tell them.

My inlaws are Russian and exclusively speak in Russian to my husband when they are talking about me or don’t want me to know what they are talking about. I know this because when I call them on it, my husband either throws them under the bus or the ‘translation’ is delayed because they are trying to think of something

But you liking them makes it fact that they are not overrated? That is a very ignorant statement to make.

It’s a traveshamockery.

I don’t miss much about MSP but the media is one of the few things I do miss. Love me some Kare11 and The Current.

Assuming this is all made up, I don’t understand why they would make up a story about being robbed. They had to know it would bring attention to them, and it doesn’t ‘cover up’ the incident at the gas station. I am so confused how the two stories are related and why this all even happened. What am I missing?

In the book, he did not kill himself to benefit anyone - he chose assisted suicide because he was unhappy with his quality of life, and the prognosis that it would continue to decline and he would be facing a much shortened life. He didn’t make the decision because he felt he was a burden, or for anyone other than

The same could be said about any religion. All of them are brainwashing to some extent; Scientology is just a bit more extreme.

If I didn’t think traditional weddings were a waste of money and hadn’t run off to the beach to get hitched in a $5 off the rack sundress, I would have made mine. Or gotten married in blue or red.

10 to 1 odds he has a biblical verse tattooed on him somewhere.

It makes me want to hide my son in the house and never let him out of my sight.

Yes. When is the last time a man was afraid of retaliation for not wanting to give his phone number to a woman? Or turning down being asked out by a woman? Or for having an opinion different than the woman he is talking to? Sure it MIGHT happen but not daily like it does to a woman.

You are a point. Men are more likely to be murdered but because they are involved with more stupid, macho shit. Women are worried about being murdered for simply not being interested in dating someone, or refusing to give out their phone number. Men don’t have to worry about being murdered for having an

Not by a scorned ex.

So you’re saying that you think it is possible that HE broke up with her, had suicidal thoughts, and then killed her...because he ended the relationship? Yes, it may be an assumption but it is an assumption based in logic that she broke up with him and moved on, therefore causing the killer’s suicidal thoughts and

Always get sour cream.

My now-husband found out early into our relationship that I had never seen Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Rocky or Rambo. He basically locked me in the house (not really but you get it) and arranged a movie marathon. I played along with Star Wars and Indiana Jones but drew the line at a Stalone-a-thon. No ma’am. Not

I don’t understand the hate. I have loved it from episode 1.

I live near where this all happened but was too young when he originally was convicted of rape. I want to watch it but am afraid it will hit (literally) too close to home. Like, 15 minutes from home. *shudders*