Mr. Ice Cream Stan

Although I think it has diminished a little bit in past years, I’m a fan of watching Kiper spit out a 30 second byte for every 4th pick during rounds 4-7.

Did I catch a “niner” in there?

As Jeff Zucker said, they’re just characters in a drama to him.

Remember, Jared was able to inherit a lot of money and not become a complete fuck-up. He’s earned this

I’m aware. Probably a 10% chance.

You can yell at me if the Badgers make the finals

This school could be the Stanford/Duke of the midwest, but they’ve been shit other than a few outlying football seasons. Both football and basketball stadiums are like over-sized high school facilities

God knows we all criticize 45*’s terrible suits and awful ties

With a position that lucrative, you’d think someone, somewhere, would just focus every second of their life to becoming a pro-caliber QB

Yeah, his Best of... DVD really surprised me

He seems like an agreeable person, which is great for his bosses. His humor, while mediocre, is generally non-offensive to everyone.

I didn’t get over the Tupac murder until Coachella 2012

Any doubts this will be merged with the headstone desecrations in the public consciousness?

Celebrity Death Match needs a reboot

The problem with forced altruism is that it’s not forced at all. If people don’t give a fuck about the people you are discriminating against, then discrimination continues. And I don’t have a lot of faith in the moral standing of the general public in some areas of our country.

Only difference is that Jordan usually follows that by muttering to himself “I can still take him, though”

That kid can still go to Alabama. The coach just won’t be accommodating to Saban, which means he won’t facilitate meetings and probably wouldn’t allow him in his facility or at his practices.

Yeah, you don’t get to be against something and then be cool with it happening to some people.