
Is there a term for trolling trolls and griefing griefers? Surely there should be by now. If not, I’d like to suggest ‘billy goating’, ‘goating’, or ‘gruffing’.

My wish list for tonight

Coruscant, now that’s a great planet. 5,000 levels. We’re gonna have even more levels, the best levels. And then we’re gonna build a wall, and the Tusken Raiders are gonna pay.

Trump: You know, Luke was a terrible Jedi. That’s true. He didn’t complete his training with Yoda and got his hand chopped off by his dad. Sad. I’d never get my hand chopped off, and that has nothing to do with the size of my hands. My hands are actually huge. They’re luxurious. They’re the best hands.

Still not as scary looking as these two

Wasn’t it speculated that the whole star wars saga is actually told from R2D2s perspective?

I figured the Emperor made him put it there, as a sadistic sort of reminder of what happened. Palpatine was into mind games.

You have to wonder, though, is the implication here if Vader didn’t attack the ship, would she not have brought the plans straight to Alderaan? Was she still going after Kenobi? We’ll never know.

The fact that his name is Doom Slayer and yet hospitals are not flooded with gamers who rolled their eyes right out of their sockets is a god damn miracle

But 10km eggs don’t exist anymore... at least I haven’t found one since August...

Niantic spends dev resources putting hats on Pikachu, instead of fixing tracking. I’m just not surprised anymore.

It’s a step in the right direction, but it’s just so hard to get back into it when it’s still got so many problems. I wish they had just waited to release it until they had all these features ready at the beginning.

Money grab, pure and simple. Never spent a dime on the game (except for Gym Coins and Google Surveys).

I’m glad that they’re starting to roll out new Pokemon, but I kind of hate that this is how they started doing it. Instead of running into new Pokemon on the map, you’re forced to encounter them in a very slow and tedious way? And with the exception of Togepi, they’re probably all the babies of gen 1 Pokemon, so you

Do high-stakes tournaments normally let players bring their own controllers?

Idk, as someone who uses a lot of fight sticks....I would never want to use one for a gamecube game. I mean look at the space between all of those buttons and stuff your gonna loose some precious mili seconds moving around this thing. I like to see 2 fairly evenly matched players do some rounds one with the GC

Can’t wait for the first 2000+cp Dragonite or Snorlax to turn into a Ditto

"You can be assured it's like nothing you've ever played before, and requires speed of thought and presence of mind, as well as top notch racing skills!"

See, I'm the opposite, I'm a huge horror movie buff, and I also love horror games. But I jump like an absolute beotch every friggin' time a decent jump scare happens. Doesn't matter if I know it's coming or not. Part of that is actually why I love jump scares, but it's somewhat embarrassing in a theater with friends =/

I have the exact opposite problem: nothing seems to scare me any more. Not horror films, or video games. Problem is, I crave that horror style sense of fear. I get extremely excited when something gives me the willies, these days.