Extreme Taco


Here’s a more accurate Copy Pasties of Vince Young

Phew! I thought I might be racist for a second!

Isn’t that Rickey Williams?

Vince looks different...

This is the first post I’ve ever written about Tim Tebow.

Full back maybe? Tight end? Idk. He had a QB-or-nothing mentality.

I still can’t understand the vitriol this man inspires in the left-wing circles of sports analysis.

How can you agree that this whole thing is “a spectacle, a money grab, or a waste of time” but still complain when a “left-wing” journo points that out in a blog post? Cognitive dissonance?

You people said this shit about Sarah Palin too. “Why do liberals have so much vitriol for her?” It’s apparently impossible for you to realize we just really, really like making fun of clownfrauds.

In this case, nobody would have cared about Tebow ever again if he just stayed an SEC Network commentator, which he’s

Nah he has two broken ribs and will be out 8 to 10 weeks.

Ironically, “Hawk Romo” is also the favorite pasttime of most NFL defensive backs.

Jerry Jones’ 72 year old grandson should join them

Forget racism; the logic behind that paragraph is so frighteningly dumb that this man should not be a paid writer.

“He’s got a concussion. Throw this white powder on him.”

Ketchup/catsup on a hotdog is blasphemous once you’re an adult (over 18).

DeVos went on to express nostalgia for “nearly full employment of the antebellum plantation system.”

Having spent 7 years working in a steakhouse, I can attest that there are exactly two kinds of adults who eat steak like this:

The fact that you made this statement is rather sickening

You’re forgetting the Kings are the Kings and there’s no way they handled a trade negotiation well