Paul, Man of Mustangs

I've thought about just wiring them straight to the ignition switch. That'll make things easier.

As someone who occasionally leaves the lights on, I actually appreciate that tone. But the seatbelts and keys in ignition tones, those are just annoying

And yet, Mustangs, Camaros, Challengers, 370Zs, etc. sell incredibly well. Most buyers are not enthusiasts.

24 billion? That actually sounds about right for the research and development of this plane.

Also, curb jumping ability. The frame and suspension on those buggers is strong enough to take a good whack, while the car you're chasing will bend the frame, pop tires, smash the oil pan, and tear off control arms.

I'd venture that the reason why he didn't put a plate on it would be for the same reason cities are always replacing street signs with funny names on them. People would steal them, just to say that they have Job's license plate.

As a relatively tall (not really, 6'1") person, there really isn't enough legroom, especially when you put your carry-on under the seat in front of you (or the person in front of you uses that spot, the bastards). I also find the straight-backed seats pretty uncomfortable for my back (which has a bad family history).

True. Still not used to the F150 being an EcoBoost vehicle.

Fuck! I'm about to get hit by a car! Better get the hell out o...HOLY SHIT MY EXIT'S CUT OFF! AAAAHHHH!!!! MOMMY!!! WAAAAAAHHH!!!!!

From what I understand, it is in the works. Like Goat said, it likely won't be called the SVO. Maybe they'll just call it the Mustang TT.

This is why Detroit can't have nice things.

Right there with you. I'm a pretty calm and collected fellow, but if someone keys my car, slashes my tires, or smashes my windows in because I "deserve it," I am liable to go Gordon Freeman on their ass. I built my fucking car, so I fucking deserve it.

I fuggen LOVED my Focus! I very well may get another one when I sell my current car.

Much of the problem is actually the city council. All they do is call everyone racist for wanting to cancel useless programs and actually save the city.

Agreed. I still have a hard time looking at the Enzo and being awed, like when I look at a Saleen S7, McLaren MP4-12C (reliability and good looks are two different things), or the Caparo T1. I see those cars, their swooping lines, how everything is different, yet unified, the underlying functionality of the body, and

Apparently, these ladies love bees.

Well, mounting the camera over his eye helps explain the great perspective, instead of feeling like his head is two feet tall, or has an eye 6 inches outside of his head.

Drove the Freestyle CVT in the snow. That seriously weirded me out and made me nervous. I usually use the engine speed as a gauge for how fast my wheels are spinning on snow and ice, but I couldn't do that with the CVT.

I've been to that track many times. They do Formula Drift there, too. It's in Monroe. Typical county speedway.

paul289 - I'll be getting my copy this weekend, when I actually have money. Might renew my XBox Live account too.