
That's because it isn't a tag, it's a forum. Honestly.

That he allowed two people who represented themselves as police officers to search his home is completely immaterial to the question of whether those people broke the law.

From the account it sounds like he was dealing with gate agents, most of whom are outsourced to United's regional partners. There is no reason an FA wouldn't let him grab something he left, but once he set foot off the jetway and into the airport it wouldn't have been their call.

Was there ever any question, Jesus?

Your preface basically invalidates your concern. Either you believe we all have basic rights, or you believe we don't. Fortunately on that point the framers of our constitution made their opinion crystal clear. Why so many Americans grapple with that concept today is a mystery to me.

Google deserves credit; when Android has a problem, they admit it and get to work fixing it. I've yet to see them stonewall consumers or the media. It's very refreshing.

Are you sure your number one reason for not wanting to use Android wasn't that you're a self-described "Apple Fan-boy"?

"Good Taste Is Not Open Source."

What the fuck, Matt.

Look at their automobile reviews. There are plenty of cars with great interiors and sporty performance that they can't recommend because owner surveys indicate they will fall apart after a year. And every-once-in-a-while they give a car a glowing review and then stamp it "Unsatisfactory," because of some safety

I'm just going to assume "U.S" is supposed to stand for "undersea."

What does distance have to do with it?

Can you name a tech company that isn't involved in a patent suit in one way or another right now?

But I thought hardware didn't matter? Or is it, "hardware doesn't matter when our tablet has the shittiest hardware, but when it doesn't, hardware totally matters!" Is that how it goes?

Wonderful things.

That doesn't sound even remotely like what these apps did.

You need to actually post in the "corrections" forum, not just use the "corrections" tag.

Best Buy ad with spelling errors makes Xoom look expensive = Gizmodo damns Xoom to an early grave.

Did you ever once question the validity of the Best Buy flier that was full of spelling mistakes? Well? Did you?

I think this trouble with Adobe probably sheds some light on when the Wi-Fi version will be made available. The Flash update is going to be pushed out OTA to tablets that ship without it, so obviously they can only release the 3G/4G variant for now. Once the update is ready to ship with the devices, then I imagine