
@TheBobmanNH: Believe it or not, starred commenters aren't required

That fine is absolutely pornographic.

@PHXPhoto: That scene has very difficult lighting conditions, with bright highlights from the sun streaming through the window and dark shadows created in the nooks and crannies indoors, but despite those challenges the exposure looks nearly perfect. Were it underexposed most of the interior would be black and we

@Atsumi: What I'm thinking right now is that our friend "PHXPhoto" is a student of the art, at best, and more likely a self-taught amateur who wants to sound authoritative. In that case, my advice to him or her is instead of allowing one ill-conceived sentence to hijack and render irrelevant an otherwise thoughtful

@PHXPhoto: None of those photos are underexposed.

@CptnGrammar: Chill out. Are you using Gizmodo to day trade or something?

I guess we can all agree that we hate frivolous lawsuits, but not enough to do anything about it. Super.

Where's Seattle's other monorail? You know, the one that's still running?

@xaronax: That is where our new cruise ship terminal is located. Just ignore the photo if it ruins the article for you.

I want to know why the threat level is still "Elevated." What's about to happen?!

Yeah, sure, get an Air.

@mensrea: I wanted to make sure, because I'm curious if lawyers always end their arguments with a personal insult. You don't think it lowers the discourse a bit?

@mensrea: Are you a lawyer?

@mensrea: VFR generally means you are uncontrolled, so no ATC. To operate a vehicle you also must know how much fuel you have, your speed, your oil temp (oil pressure? What kind of engine are we using?) and, hopefully, your direction. Flaps are the same as brakes in the air, and the rudder is the steering wheel.

@mensrea: No, the correct answer was "none." All you need to go flying is a clear view of the sky and the ground. How complicated is that?

@mensrea: Would you please tell the class what instruments are required to fly day VFR.

@mensrea: I guess it's because we've come to the point in this nation where everybody is an expert on everything, don't you think?