
@c_cornelp: Thanks, I do know a bit about writing.

@c_cornelp: You're acting like kind of a dick. Let me guess, you have an iPhone 4?

@c_cornelp: He's got more talent than 95% of the commenters here, so yeah, I'll go out on a limb and call this guy a pretty clever writer.

@dogved: What made it funny was that the writing was hilarious. I didn't even know he worked for Best Buy until several days after I first saw it. And he wasn't making fun of BB, he was making fun of iPhone 4 buyers (and also Evo buyers, in the other video.)

@dogved: He's a talented writer, and your post sounds like sour grapes.

That's too bad, I was hoping Gizmodo would pick him up. You should ask him to make some videos for the site anyway.

Mowing the grass on that island would be a real pain in the ass.

Bone a face?

@Overide Silex: Very cool. I've played around with larger formats, Graflexes and Mamiyas, but they tend to decrease mobility quite a bit and I always find myself gravitating back to 35mm. Maybe someday I'll get an old Hasselblad and try again, but that's a big investment.

@Overide Silex: Well, yeah, but I am assuming most casual DSLR-owners don't invest in handheld meters. They are a must, however, amateur or professional, if you shoot Zone (as I do.)

@daftrok: Ha, didn't notice that.

Dream on, Adam.

Dream on, Adam.

@OreoExplosion: Of course it does, it runs your processor at 100% you dolt!

This is almost as stupid as the app that turns your iPhone into a hand warmer.


@bornonbord: I never even bother to sign my e-mails. My name is included in the header and should be displayed in your inbox.

Warnings that "the contents of this e-mail are private and confidential." They aren't! If you send me an e-mail, unless I've signed an NDA, I can do whatever the hell I want with it.