
Friends don’t let friends write thank you notes or legally binding documents in erasable ink.

Cardinals spokesperson: We have a book of unwritten rules that say otherwise.

I mean, I agree to a point. The point at which NMS was released was unacceptable, but to a certain extent, I’d expect them too feel a bit emboldened to continue to push the envelope on early releases.

Damn, I’m going to start this game over to experience it with all the updates and immerse myself in some hot new intergalactic shrubbery.

If the Bacon factory down the street from me did this I’d be fucked.

I will never forget the day that the Metrodome collapsed. Such a fitting tribute to the life of this franchise.

That’s a bit disingenuous to refer to the military as a single unit pulling trillions of dollars rather than the individuals that comprise it who have sacrificed. Your point isn’t lost, but the second sentence is unnecessary.

That’s a bit disingenuous to refer to the military as a single unit pulling trillions of dollars rather than the individuals that comprise it who have sacrificed. Your point isn’t lost, but the second sentence is unnecessary.

Agree to disagree on this one. Disjointed, yes, but I think it was a bit by design. A mesh of conflicting perspectives around a central theme. I found walking through the internal conflicts of the game’s premise deeply satisfying.

To be fair, “Worst Secretary of State in US history” is what Trump deems as his best quality

I’m really surprised that he hasn’t purchased the Marlins to rub it in the face of Jeb!.

That Packer fan was and forever will be all of us Packer fans at that moment.

Very insightful article after reading through it in full.

You know damn well this would have been peddled by Rs had Hillary won, so maybe the Dems should throw a bone and block her from receiving the clearances she’ll never ever need again anyway.

Probably sending pictures of himself in his tighty-whiteys to girls his age at the local DC middle school.

Except in Atlantic City, where Trump is the primary cause of bankruptcy

She’s Donald’s type.

I mean, you saw what happened to Megatron in Detroit. You’d be a little gun shy too.

Well fuck