
Sweet! Well then I stand corrected, and that makes it a bit more competitive for sure (although the Karma is still bigger, heavier, more expensive, has less battery life, and has fewer advanced flight modes).

Sooooo.... If I am reading correctly.... HMS Terror... was found in Terror Bay.....

Tell me again why they weren’t looking in the place that shared the namesake with the lost vessel??

Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.


Dude, you need to shut down the computer and walk around outdoors a bit. (I'm making an assumption that this is a dude)

I've had this one for 35 years and it's still going strong.

I really wish they had put a true color HD video camera and microphone on this machine. just to be able to watch and listen to what is actually happening there. That would be pretty amazing... not that this isn't already amazing; but I want more damn-it! GIVE NASA ALL THE MONEY!

I will kill them in either sleep if they don't take this stupid thing off me...

Let's hate on it for no reason. Marvel FTW.

here is a few loaded in my USAF c5-m super galaxy

Wiley was 13 months old when we chopped his balls off, because I do believe in the development thing. Waiting even that long is now considered outdated thinking though, LA for instance mandates that all dogs must be neutered at 4 months of age and no connection between ball wearing and development has been


Oh, you meant literally a star shaped fort. At first I thought it had something to do with orbital defense.

The TouchID sensor is still way ahead of the rest of the market.

doesn't sound revolutionary in any way. Apple seems to be trailing behind the rest of the market in terms of technology.

The Lord of Bones approves.

"the next film could see the return of both Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox."

The aliens from Signs.

if it starts listening to Simple Plan or Nickleback, we have to shut it down.