
But haven’t you ever had ambiguous feelings about something or someone? If you don’t know whether or not you wanna keep seeing a guy you’ve been seeing, is he supposed to go “oh ok I’ll go then”? The difference between “she says no but I know she wants to fuck me” and “she says a bunch of different things, so I don’t

Yeah, black slacks/simple skirts + nice tops + cardigans?

That is still quite young. How old are you?

Coupons from there NEVER expire.

I am gonna recommend the Summertime Girls (just out in August) bc I have known the girl who wrote it since birth and it’s all about female friendship and is also really fucking good.

I felt that way from about 23 (was in a loooong awful on/off thing before that) until like, this year (27), and had a lot of fun and it was great. But now I want a relationship, and the dating around necessary to get there is the WORST.

Wow, “you should have told me sooner” is so much worse than just “I’m seeing someone else,” bc then you’re left feeling like YOU fucked it up by not saying something earlier. Glad you got the chance to move on, though.

Also, after six dates, while I would not assume someone wanted a relationship, I would assume the person *liked* me.

Oh god, I would SO much rather hear a “no” than nothing. A “no” is hard, but it’s an answer, you feel sad, you get over it. Ghosting just leaves wayyyyy too much to the imagination, and makes me feel like the guy didn’t even consider me worth the 30 seconds it would take to text me some lame excuse.

I think the ONLY times I have ever actually typed “you don’t have to respond” is when texting friends in crisis/who’ve just lost someone etc, and then it’s “I love you and I’m here for you, you can call me anytime, but you also don’t have to respond/just talk when you’re ready” type thing.

So what will be the Pina Coloda song for Tinder?

It actually DID begin bc Chinese restaurants were the only thing open, but it began much earlier in the 20th century on the LES.

Same. Occasionally at a party, but we’d always have a DD and just go sleep at their house.

Yeah, my mom’s deal was she was MY mom so she could let me drink around her, but she didn’t know what other parents wanted; she did let friends of mine have a glass of wine w dinner once we were 18 if they weren't driving.

Once my friends and I hit 18 we could basically do whatever (well, drinking wise, not drugs) as long as we weren’t going nuts and no one was driving.

I think the big thing is to make clear that alcohol isn’t an inherent evil, that it can be used responsibly (by most, not all, people), but that it also carries a lot of risks. I plan on teaching my non-existent children to drink with small amounts of wine once they’re teens, so that it’s never some magical mystical

You sound like a great older cousin!

My parents gave me the “please don’t drink, but if you do or your friends do and you don’t feel safe just call us. Never, EVER drive drunk or get in a car with someone who’s been drinking.” I feel like that was the right strategy.

(When they are around)

The first time my dad got drunk, he was 8. His family had a big party and there was a bowl of champagne-soaked strawberries, and someone thought it would be cute to give him one. Well, he really liked it, and ate about the half the bowl, then passed out under the table. The next day, he told his mom he thought he was