
And yet, Hilary Clinton gets slammed for sending innocuous emails on the wrong account.

You have no idea what their relationship is like. For all we know, she could be abusive; he could be trying to avoid a messy divorce in which he’d risk losing his kids, etc.

Holy shit.

You never know why someone else is being quiet/the story on their relationship, or what the consequences might be for them at home for saying something in the restaurant; the dad who came back w the $50 sounds like a good guy.

I feel like a 4yr-old WANTING that is understandable. As a parent, what you do then is cut off the damn lines yourself (or tell your kid to deal, your call).

Well, there are tendons that are connected and stuff so like, a pressure point on your foot having to do with muscles further up in your legs makes sense (I think?), but in this instance, no.

Wait...HOW would that “train away” a gag reflex??? That sounds so many levels of unpleasant.

Yeah...when I threw up on a guy’s dick he kinda forced it back there (like, the blow job itself was consensual, but then he held my head down) and I had wings for dinner, and I very definitely threw up. His response was just “gross!”

Welllll...I am all for this dude’s answers to these customers, but your comment kind of sounds like it could be used as a defense for, say, Hobby Lobby, or that baker who refused to bake a cake for a gay couple.

And most children who aren’t taught to be bigoted by their parents *aren’t*, until the rest of society corrupts them later.

I feel like “Rosie Shrum” is also trolling?

Unless at 26 doctors look at you and say “are you a woman in your 70s who has been in a terrible car accident? Bc that is how all your muscles/tissue look.” (I fucked up my back that badly just by being stressed, yay grad school). So, yeah. Shit got real pretty early for me.

Oh god yeah, I’m with you on shots. I think 24/25 is around when I stopped being able to handle them.

Yup. My atheist BFF, who is vehemently pro-choice and about to be a doctor, has said she’d never be able to get an abortion for herself.

“Laughing out loud, what the fuck...barbeque”?

I have to admit, my niece’s approach is hard to resist. She’s really great at sharing — she’ll almost always offer me bites of her food, and sometimes I’ll ask “[niece] could I have one of your blackberries?” and she’ll hand it to me, and when she does this we always say “thank you for sharing!” Now, sometimes, when

Yup. One of the many reasons I think siblings are super important. If you have siblings, there will always be times when one of you doesn’t get the attention/necessary ride/whatever from a parent bc they’re doing something for the sibling; there’ll be fighting over what to watch, stealing of toys or clothes,

Oh god, I am so sorry. I had one of those explode on me senior year of college. Literally fell to the floor screaming.

Oh man, I feel you. Mine isn’t due for 2.5 more months, but I owed my advisor the first 10 pages a week I just made it to page 8. I am doing writing alongside research bc it’s English and I need to figure out more of what to read as I write, which is why 8 pages took so damn long.

I just got one of those! I am, unsurprisingly, 97% Ashkenazi Jew. I’m not surprised by the bits of Italian or Western Asia, but I was quite puzzled to learn that I am .2% Swedish and .1% Japanese.