
Free-lancers, dissertating grad students, and anyone else with a very lax schedule, how do you organize your time? I’m supposed to be writing my thesis this summer, but the summer is almost half-over and I can’t tell you where the time has gone. Some days, I’m really productive, but I am having SO MUCH TROUBLE getting

My mom and I have different last names, but I’m a carbon copy of her. I dunno, it’s a tricky thing. Would he take your name?

Yup, anxiety disorder and cannot handle scary movies. That said, the only time I’ve freaked out in a haunted house is when ‘Frankenstein’ actually grabbed my ass.

So this isn’t one of those weird laws leftover from 100 years ago?

But that doesn’t represent the whole truth. When it comes to being killed by a (disproportionally male) family member, men are *slightly* more likely to be killed. When it comes to be being killed in drug-related, gang-related, or argument-related homicide, men are *much* more likely to be killed. When it comes to

Hasn’t be been doing this for a while? I feel like I saw at least the #JaredLies thing last time I was home, which was a few weeks ago.

Yeah, I get that vibe. I had a crush on a girl once when I was 15, but like, otherwise have only ever been attracted to boys (and that was over a decade ago). I’ve tried to go for it with girls and it is super not-for-me; calling myself anything other than “more or less straight” seems disingenuous.

True, although “race” itself is a pretty complex construct/mix of ethnicity and social construct.

“ Italian is a nationality. Jewish is a religion.”

I mean, you have to assume that in order to live your life without going crazy but...this analogy is not mine and was going around after the UCSB shooting, but if you have a huge bowl of m&ms and know that 1-3 of them are deadly poisonous, you don’t really want any, even though the *vast* majority are just delicious

Yeah I got mistaken for Israeli a bunch when I was there too. Also holy shit I just got the best haircut of my life.

There are senior SHOOTS? I feel like I’m not crazy old (graduated hs in 06), and we just had a normal senior portrait.

Re the family stuff before your mom’s part of the story: did you grow up in a Bronte novel??

Wait why? If he was driving it’d have been pretty irresponsible to clean it off.

My brothers trained me to cry on command, so if they didn’t like something my parents were playing they’d tell them I hated it so much I was crying, then I’d cry. Stilllll not sure why I did everything they told me.

And then brothers peeing in bottles despite mothers/sisters’ loud protests? No? Just us?

How very 16 candles.

That’s simultaneously gross and adorable.

I got sick a lot on road trips as a kid, but I have a very particular memory of an unsavory incident with a TCBY strawberry frozen yogurt. My brother (I was the youngest of 3 so always got the bitch seat) turned to me mid-puke, and asked me, totally deadpan, if it tasted better going down or coming up.

I think it’s just jarring in contrast to his huge arm muscles. The exact same dick on a more average-sized guy would look, well, average.