
Yeah, what is this piece!?

As a short person, I avoided them for years, but they actually look great on me! Or at least, I think they look great on me, and I don’t really care if this woman thinks otherwise bc since when was jezebel about policing this shit?

Who the fuck cares if women are wearing something you don’t think they look good in? How is this any better than straight dudes talking about how much they hate it when girls cut their hair short?

I think it appears thicker if you cut against the grain.

I totally understand why this wouldn’t fly in your own relationship. And I am not trying to be obnoxious, I am just not sure why, given that the woman got consent first (bc otherwise it would be hella creepy), and that both the husband and the wife seem fine w/it not to think it’s a big deal/problem for *their*

Man, I like her so much as an actress. I just want her to be some weird combo of Elle Woods and Cheryl Strayed forever.

Which is totally legitimate, because it is your relationship. For me, personally, kissing strangers (as opposed to non-strangers, which WOULD upset me) really isn’t a big deal. We don’t know the ins and outs of this relationship, and so since — again, for me personally — I wouldn’t consider this cheating, I feel okay

For serious though, men totally need these rooms.

Mine as well!

Yeah I have all kinds of problems with this article. Well. Mostly failing to mention she obtained consent and assuming that the wife was angry when she’s said she wasn’t angry.

Agree with the destigmatizing and all, and you have the right to feel whatever you want. But you also have to understand how big a deal PREGNANCY is. Not only is it very uncomfortable, not only does it change your body and limit your behavior for 9 months...I know that personally, while Icould get an abortion if need

I love your username. That is all.


Yes, thank you, goodness. Literally everyone involved seems fine with this.

Cheating is a personal thing though; if I were this dude’s wife and we had a happy, healthy marriage, I don’t think I’d be upset at him. But also like, I can’t imagine that he *wasn’t* surprised. He doesn’t look upset, and he didn’t push her away, but yes, she chose him at random, and I am sure he didn’t go to the

Is it maybe not great that this is getting widespread media attention? It seems like this has been a way abuse victims have gotten help before, but if abusers catch on that this is a thing, that could be bad.

I dunno though, there are some douchey guys whose whole THING is how much they can get women off.

Why blame him? He was probably taken by surprise. I don’t think someone running up to you and kissing you qualifies as “cheating.”

No worries, glad we’re on the same page :)

Oh I think just coming up to people and kissing them is totally creepy, but in a violation-of-personal-space way. I meant like, if you make out with someone you met that night at a bar or something. Different contexts.