
But it’s NOT. It’s actually the thing that is GETTING public attention. Black people try all the fucking time to calmly, rationally explain all that is wrong in this country and no one fucking listens. They are ignored, silenced, waved off — and when they finally do something to get your attention, you come in and


“Violence” against property <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Violence against human beings.

Except for Melissa Harris-Perry and Rachel Maddow!

Wait, when costumers stiff you on the bill, is it customary to charge the waiters?

Ovaries exploded. Errywhere.

Dammit, I was just about to do a search for this exact image.

You pet your friends too?? Seriously, while I am super-single, the one thing I cannot wait for wedding-wise is ALL my favorite people being in one place, and no one being allowed to get annoyed with me for petting them and telling them they’re pretty bc it’s MY DAY DAMMIT.

To be fair...sometimes I HATE me, sometimes I LOVE me. I am bi-polarish (actual diagnosis. “ish”). I want people to see the “up” me and live in constant terror of people seeing the self-loathing, crying-on-the-floor-of-the-shower, shell of a human I hate.

Usually the people who REALLY dislike me are the people I pick fights with over politics, so, I kind of can’t blame them. I’d probably hate me too. They definitely get what I’m about. They just don’t like it.

Mostly, I just want people not to see me as either an adorable fluffy kitten or a raging feminist bitch-monster-from-hell who will definitely kill you. Somehow, I’m always on one end of the spectrum or the other.

Yeah my thought process is usually “my friends are really awesome people, and they all seem to like me a bunch. There must be some reason to it. But whyyyyy.” Been better about it lately, but through, you know, therapy.

It’s not offensive, so you are incorrect for feeling offended.

Certainly a far cry from Orange is the New Black

Also, tie it up!

I am not defending anyone’s actions. I do not doubt these instances. And maybe there is just some weird, super-specific mix of cultural who-knows going on. But, for me, this isn’t about “political correctness,” it’s about rhetoric that sounds SO MUCH like rhetoric that has gotten many, many people killed. It seems

I mean...isn’t that also a kind of racist generalization? A lot of wealthy business owners can probably be pretty shitty. The whole Jewish business owners as the worst/most evil/most money-grubbing/etc of all business owners is uh, a pretty old stereotype pretty deeply tied to that worldwide persecution thing. I am

What’s funny is that Jewish summer camps are TOTALLY a thing. But yeah, the phrasing was a bit off there.

Not legal in my state, but while I got a codeine script for my back issues, I almost NEVER take it bc I hate the feeling, and opt for self-perscribed “medical” instead.

Sounds pretty inappropriate to me. I have several close male friends; I don’t text them all the time, and I’m only flirty with the male friends who know me well enough to know it doesn’t mean anything. I would NEVER ask a male friend — especially one in a relationship — to “move closer to me” — I might ask him to come