
Not campus police. But yeah.

Yup. I actually got a citation in undergrad; I went to court, I did a lot of hours of community service, and no one laid a hand on me.

Jia where did you get the 8pm march from the Rotunda? In the email I got (I'm a grad student here), there was meeting on grounds at 8pm.

My brother is Jewish; my sister-in-law is not. But she is a huge Redsox fan. So they agreed they'll raise their kids Jewish & Boston sports fans (they don't live anywhere near NE), and to commemorate this, my brother wore redsox socks with his tux for the wedding.

Right, agreed.

And if PhDs/general intelligence precluded racism (or sexism), we'd be living in a MUCH different country.

And if PhDs/general intelligence precluded racism (or sexism), we'd be living in a MUCH different country.

I mean I'm not gonna compare a basketball team to slavery. But he is the kind of guy who SIMULTANEOUSLY claims to "not see color" and believes that "different people make different choices," which is why there are almost no women in his physics department and women/people of color are so underrepresented in

I live in the south, in a preppy, fratty town. I am terrified as to how this could play out here. I had a conversation last week with a guy who told me Donald Sterling couldn't possibly be racist, otherwise he wouldn't have any black players on his team.

This is one of those things where the intent (or projected intent) seems so good and the execution could not be worse.

It's not about that for me. It's that in so many contexts, women will lift themselves up by pushing other women down, and that is bullshit. Connecting body-type to worth is bullshit. Mocking women for being skinny ISN'T the same as fat-shaming, and it would be absurd to claim otherwise, but mocking women for their

What is a pro-life scarf?

Yeah, exactly. And my problem with that isn't so much "skinny-shaming" or whatever as it is, like, C'MON, you do not need to put other women down to lift yourself up. Stop doing it that way. Staaahp.

I mean, "All About That Bass" isn't exactly a feminist masterpiece either. If it weren't for the "skinny bitches" and the implication that "having junk in the right places" was all about boys having something to hold onto, it'd be pretty awesome, but.

The song itself isn't SO horrible, but the video is pretty bad.

I held my stomach like that a lot when I had mono, but it was because it always felt like my spleen was about to fall out.

Pile on with some sexism? Huh?

That's pretty ridiculously inappropriate behavior though, and could *easily* be considered workplace sexual harassment. If the waitress in question — who, importantly, did not play along — *had* complained, she might have gotten fired, and while she could maybe have sued for that, most people just wouldn't want to

I wonder the same thing. Then again, there are women out there who are "anti-feminist," so, who knows.

I think there are just things people do that make it happen faster/to a greater extent.