
What about "you would sacrifice yourself to save them, and they'd feel bad about letting you but totally do it"? (Not in a pining-after-someone-who-has-no-idea way, in a highly-fucked-up-relationship type way).

I dunno, the "wasn't truly in love" is sometimes accurate, but also sometimes not, I think; even if you (the general "you") were in love in a stupid or unhealthy way or it ended poorly, it can still have been love.

Joyce actually has a pretty great ethos. In one chapter of Ulysses he makes an argument for abortion (in life-or-death cases, but for a Catholic in 1920, that's pretty fuckin' cool). So I'd put Joyce and Woolf on a plane as equally amazing humans/artists. But Eliot and Pound can go fuck themselves.

I read a fairly prominent book that discussed 1922 as "the year" for Modernists, and legit claimed that there were 3 central figures. Be exclusive in your definition of modernism if you want, but there were FOUR.

Thank you. I *do* think TWs have become overused, but I also think they are necessary for graphic depictions of events that are broadly considered traumatic, e.g. child-abuse and rape.

Wanting trigger warnings says you are helpless in the face of reminders of harm. I don't want to be helpless. I want to heal.

I almost wish I were pale so I could describe myself like she does. I am awkward and very small, so I'm 2/3 there!

Ugh, I know, I'm the worst.

Ugh, I hate the "representative" argument. It's like, well, yes, if you DEFINE a movement by these dudes then you can easily argue that those women don't fit the mold you designed based on men.

I'm not sexist, it's just that there were only three really SIGNIFICANT modernists, and all of them just happen to be men. Oh, also, two of them are fascists.

Why did you break up? I feel like that is pretty important. And, better than outright proposing (that would TERRIFY me, even coming from a guy I dated/split up w because of distance/really love), tell her that you'd like to spend the rest of your lives together and, if you began dating again, see engagement/marriage

What??? How do they think that's gonna work?

I was a grooms-lady for my brother, and my sis-in-law had a few bridesmaids and a "man of honor," her best friend from college.

There are tons and tons of articles that make that assessment — in The Atlantic, in HuffPo, Daily Beast, The Gaurdian...seriously, google "50 Shades abusive" and you'll get quite a lot of reading. Also, it is absurd to simultaneously undermine a person's argument (you "disdain that kind of thinking," whatever "that

Yeah I mean ketchup is way less acidic. I didn't like raw tomatoes til I was 11 or 12.

Deep dish pizza can be really tasty, but it's not what I want when I want pizza.

Cooked, no. Grilled in huge chunks so the sugar caramelizes? HELLS YES.

For years, my brother insisted he was allergic to celery unless it had peanut-butter on it.

Yeah I was thinking she was older. Mostly I was responding to the idea that "bedtime stories" are the only place she could have gotten her info; I learned alllll kinds of things my parents didn't mean to teach me when I was a tot. But not at 19 months.