
yessss I remember that poster! (from college, not from like, the cold war, during which I was ages 0-3)

Okay...I went through some of your old comments, and you got offended at someone lumping all Germans together by referring to Nazis in a *film*. I am sure that's not what the poster intended, but you're allowed to be offended anyway. I believe that you did not intend to all lump mental illnesses together, but your

Can you not group all mental illnesses with psychopathy?

I had this weird brightly colored bug...pillow/stuffed animal. We called it "Snarffle the Wonder-Bug"

My most impressive/creepy feat:

What??? I have never heard that. What if you don't want kids?

Can't sperm live in the body for several days? I feel like the "red days" would need a bigger buffer...

It is definitely important that the possible side-effects not get blown out of proportion, but it's also super-important for people to be aware of the side effects. I had no idea, and was legitimately suicidal on bc. Obviously, it doesn't happen to everyone. Of course, there are HUGE benefits and bc as a whole is

I loooove coconut oil for my dry dry hair.



Most of Argentina, yes. Argentina has a pretty significant Jewish population. But also, anti-semitism.

The world of fashion is cutthroat and requires incredible creativity, and, yes, discipline. Acting is also competitive, and also an art form. Sports may teach "physical and mental discipline," but they also breed cultures of violence and detract from academic study in college.

Well if he's a student where she's a teacher, it's a problem.

Well, there are actual "first editions" of the Iliad and the Odyssey (as written down long long after Homer), and first editions of English translations. For any given work that's been around for a very long time, there are multiple "first editions." Bibliography studies are a weird thing.

Yeah, this is really, really nuts. In the twisted way I think thanks to the 21st century, there will definitely be a movie about this in the next five years.

Unrelated: where did the name Snarffles come from? Bc that was a thing between me and my bff in college, but I'm like, 99.99% sure you are not her.