
A thing I have heard/try to do is "amplify black voices." Instead of writing a Facebook post about *your* actions, however good they are, repost articles etc written by black people, support your black friends, lend your voice only when it is supportive.

I think "not talk about it" isn't quite right, but a) not talk about it in a self-congratulatory way and b) talk about it to educate other white people who might not understand, call out other white people who say unintentionally racist things, etc. But yes. The not needing positive reinforcement for being a decent

I actually just started using that! Well, some Miss Jessie product aimed at mixed hair, I think a leave-in cream.

True! Also mixed-texture hair — I have ringlets, but not all my curls are ringlets. I have both volume and frizz. I have some longer looser curls, and some kinkiness. My hair is a complete mutt, and no one knows *quite* what to do with it (though, despite being white/Jewish, the best advice/closest to working stuff

There is NOTHING (other than a flat iron and patience) that stops my hair from having lots of curls.

I have tons of very fine, very, very curly, frizzy, multi-textured hair. I wash it between once a week and once every three weeks, and condition like crazy, and never straighten.

What do you wash them when you wash them? I don't wanna buy a fancy thing. Is there a reason not to use soap? I don't know things, I literally started using makeup brushes two weeks ago (and I'm 26, so, that should give you an idea).

Does Jia used mashed avocado toast as a foundation?

This is surprisingly great. I don't think I get the tingly thing, but I've been dealing w chronic muscle spasms and this is soooo relaxing.

Fair points. But I think the ideas that a) men need to change their behavior some too and b) it's not inherently *bad* to be more collaborative than competitive, are important ones.

But...she's not saying that women should aspire to the "male" way of doing things. She's saying "so there are different ways of doing things..."

I dunno if it's about "pretending they do more than they did" so much as acknowledging "hey, this is actually valuable and at-times pretty difficult work."

I think it would be worth examining why that is, rather than just boiling it down to how men and women "are." Also, as someone who *has* grown up surrounded by guys and has a lot of guyfriends (as well as lady friends) — guys can be pretty weird and complicated too, albeit often in different ways.

Well, headings and pull-quotes are pretty much never the author's choice, unless the author is a very high-level editor.

Haha rarely...but those one-page articles are pretty delightful!

Also...dudes can be complicated! It's a topsy-turvy world!!!

Yeah, those are the only real problems I see though, which in the scheme of the article as a whole is pretty "eh, ok then."

It's written by a woman, so it's not even mansplainy.

I know, I know, it's just my grad student tendencies coming out. I'll be better over winter break, I swear.