
What's really weird is when absence of pain becomes its own sensation. I've been dealing with a chronic back/neck issue, and on some days I wake up and FEEL the lack of pain (those are good days). (Also I have way too many pain stories)

That sounds like a highly appropriate (and successful!) use of the groin shot. Glad you got out of there safely!

I am guessing any woman who's given birth without an epidural would understand the level of pain. Personally, I've had an ovarian cyst explode, which brought me (at age 21) to the floor screaming and writhing in pain. Not saying it's not an enormous amount of pain — I am sure it is, and a kick to the balls should

Also, can we talk about the racism behind 'banning' turnt? White people start using the word, overuse it, and now it's old news and no one should say it. Cool.

Odd, sure, and potentially horribly awkward if it didn't work out. But I don't think there's really anything wrong with it. Plus it's not like your new stepfather owns his adult daughter.

My view on step-sibling is it's not gross, but not a good idea, if they met as teens/pre-teens...but if they met under the age of like, 10 or 11, it's weird, and if they've grown up together from infancy, it's *super* weird.

Did they become step-siblings as little kids or as teens?

That's much more weird/bizarre/way-too-dramatic-to-deal-with than it is gross, though. They aren't genetically related and they didn't grow up together.

Well, that's probably because those are the girls who are fed tons of misinformation (or just information at all), which is why they get pregnant in the first place.

Great that you didn't find school stressful; some people do. LOTS of people find law school stressful. You are not better than other people for not being stressed by these things. Being stressed out by an academically rigorous school is NOT what makes this dude a douche.

I always like to see evidence of good humans in the world.

Also people totally use lines copped from tv/movies in life.

Um, but, it isn't just a med school. There is a whole undergrad. And the drinking to relieve stress isn't the primary issue here; it's the entitlement.

Academic stress IS unreasonable (as a grad student at least, I've been stressed to the point of it severely affecting my health), but not an excuse for binge drinking. We shouldn't shit on people who feel overwhelmingly stressed; also being overwhelmed by stress does not mean a person isn't intelligent. The guy who

Also, women aren't taught to be entitled to the things they want the way men are — certainly not inherently better people, but conditioned to behave very differently.

It's not about "winning" a contest dude. It's about recognizing reality. Since men are MUCH MORE LIKELY TO RAPE than women and women are MUCH MORE LIKELY to be the victims of rape than men, it IS a gendered issue. Saying that is not taking away from the utter horribleness of women who commit rape, nor is it

Of course it could happen. Men are raped and taken advantage of too, and yes, even once is too much. But a woman's chances of things like this happening to her are ASTRONOMICALLY higher. A drunk dude wandering around for a bit would not run into 5+ people trying to take him home against his wishes.

Yeah I also had a half-second of hopefulness when that tall blonde stepped in and was like "she's not going home with you." Unfortunately, his next words were not "Let's find you a cab" or "do you have a friend you can call?" or even just "k bye."

I wanna move to Canada...

I thought that's what the second guy was doing, but apparently not? Edit: NVM, rewatched. I did notice that woman in the background stop and watch for a minute, but decide against intervening.