
Frenchman street, just off (but outside of) the French quarter is great. You can get wonderful ice-cream at the Creole Creamery in (I think) the magazine district. The only two things worthwhile in the French Quarter, which are touristy but damn good, are Cafe Dumond and the preservation hall jazz band (they charge 5$

Chocolate-pecan! Peanut-butter! Peppermint-fudge-pie! Strawberry pie! Strawberry-rhubarb! So many delicious pies.

*If* she is pregnant and you are scared for both yourself and your kid (bc abuse is abuse and who knows how she'd treat a little human), get a lawyer pronto. You should not have to raise a kid with an abusive partner, you DO not have to re-enter a relationship with her in order to be a present father, and, it sounds

Maybe he doesn't wanna be the creepy dude who hits on the women in his yoga class? Give him your number, and/or say, "hey we should get a drink sometime," then see if he takes the lead on actually making that happen. I understand not wanting to aggressively pursue a dude, but there is nothing wrong or weird or

You'd have to talk to your boss before mass emailing everyone if you wanna keep any kind of good relationship with them.

What type of hair do you have? I have dry, curly/frizzy hair, and I use apple cider vinegar as "shampoo" once or twice a week, and conditioner (something coconut-y) every day. If your hair gets greasy may try a 2-3 hour coconut oil thing, or just use some organic conditioner and leave that in overnight instead.

Listen, ask questions, and even if you feel shy don't be afraid to disagree on a thing (respectfully) if you disagree. Don't focus on whether or not she'll like you; try to figure out if you like spending time with her.

I have crazy hair that takes a lot of time to look decent in anything other than a poofy bun; I am totally okay with the poofy bun thing, so most mornings, 15 min is about right. But if I'm giving a presentation or for some other reason need (or want!) to look nicer/more professional, then yeah, 40 min or more

I assume he came in through a diff way than wherever the brother was?

All those things PLUS a culture of violence/masculine aggression, which includes a deep aversion to openly discussing feelings.

Simultaneously creepy and adorable.

*That* is the stuff my nightmares are made of.

Reason #899 dogs are the best/I am definitely getting one if I ever live alone.

I've had really pleasant dreams about a friend who died right after college. In one of the dreams, he and I talked about how he was dead and how much I'd missed him and how happy I was to see him. Those dreams can be so wonderful.

Eh, Clinton's administration treated her pretty terribly too. Sadly, sexism is not limited to the GOP. (But yes, they seem to — how else do you explain 'Say Yes to the Candidate'?)

It's usually both; there are more kids with connections than there are really good spots like that. Someone with enormous connections might get around the smarts thing, but usually, you have an at least fairly smart kid with important parents in those roles (I grew up in DC and went to school w a bunch of kids who had

Right. And yeah, there are tons of people with connections, so you need to be smart enough to beat out the rest.

Or, say, a 22 year old didn't have the good judgment not to sleep with the president?

Also, while I DO think it is wrong to participate in an affair in the way she did (which she knows and never denied), it's nothing in comparison to being the married person doing the actual cheating. Add in the massive age difference and the even more massive power difference, and good god.

How could they possibly be surprised that someone who scored a White House internship was intelligent? Aren't those pretty freakin hard to get? (Unless you're *uber* connected I guess). But no, she did sex things, so obviously, she's dumb.