
In the weird world of people who think this way, how does fruit have toxins? It's the most natural thing! You eat it raw! It's nature's candy! I am so baffled. By so much of life.

I mostly like it for my hair (which is really thick/curly/gets very dry and drinks in all the moisture it can — I imagine it would be terrible for a lot of hair textures).

Also, I recommended these someplace else, but black bean brownies. They sound gross but are fucking amazing (the recipe calls for like, 2 tbsp oatmeal, but I'm sure it's easy to substitute). And you can use whatever fat you want. I suggest peanut butter, because delicious.

No fruit!!?!? I mean, I know people who can't eat one or more of soy/sugar/grains/dairy for real medical reasons. But "no fruit" seems...insane.

Exactly. Self-defense is totally okay, and if someone gets a little hurt in the process, well, they started it. This was not self-defense.

If you hit someone, you'll probably get hit back, sure. I learned that by having older brothers. But if you hit someone barely hard enough to bruise, they should not fucking beat you unconscious. Even my brothers knew that at 10/11.

If the ONLY thing people said about male soccer players was how hot they were; if soccer players asked that people stop talking about how hot they were and everyone continued to do so; if the achievements of male athletes were routinely ignored in favor of their looks/who they'd like to date, you'd be totally, 100%

I typed out a reply, but he is clearly such a troll it's not worth it. And I don't call people "trolls" for disagreeing with me — he clearly just wants to stir shit. But to his "dollar" argument; without female inventors, we wouldn't have the same computer programing abilities, x-ray AND wifi technology; mechanical

Yup. I know you've been bombarded with advice, and please feel free to disregard but: since you're not being productive anyway, take a vacation! Visit friends or family you feel relaxed around, and just don't think about it for a week or two. Focus entirely on yourself for a bit. *Then* try to be productive.

Haha but was she trying to sing that song? It's been too long.

Thanks. Luckily, I have a really good network of friends, and some good friends in the PhD program who'll be around when I'm still there after my other friends graduate. It's still isolating, though. The good news is, all the times I really thought I wasn't gonna make it in college, I did — this required some longish

Hey Jezebel, is there any way to turn a fairly old burner account into a real account?

Thank you! I've felt uncomfortable with that expression since I started to know people coming out; everyone around me was saying it with the absolute best of intentions, but it just seemed weird. Also a weird/loaded response: "Oh, good for you!"

Well, I think there's a difference between the majority of people and people who are on very public display. When someone — an athlete, a movie star, a big-time CEO — commits a violent crime and continues to enjoy all the privileges of their position, continues to be showered with praise and respect, that sends a

Well, if they're gonna make players sit for 8 games bc of marijuana, they could make players sit for longer for, you know, abuse. (And less for smoking — I see how it could fuck up your ability to play well, so a couple games out make sense, but more seems excessive). That sends a message about each of those crimes is

Does she sing that?

I didn't finish any of my papers last semester (the second semester of grad school). I'll be taking next semester off to write my papers, so I won't graduate with my friends. It's not because of depression this time (due to an injury), but I've also been there, and I know it is the worst.

Have you thought about seeking out a midwife? Someone you know to turn to *if* anything goes wrong, someone to help, in some capacity, with the birth etc could be helpful, but there are non-doctor options. (This is not to scold or anything, and you totally may have thought of/dismissed the idea. But if not, I hear

Now playing

I also recommend (song I sent to my bar-taking friend for his "pump-up playlist," and a song that has gotten me through many miserable finals periods. Good luck!!!