@DarthChimay: Yeah, your only real choice is Led Zeppelin with this one.
@DarthChimay: Yeah, your only real choice is Led Zeppelin with this one.
@Raniel Bambasi: More specifically, they're all Norse.
The only problem I see is that the lead vehicle, mostly likely a bus, wouldn't exactly have speed in mind. Seems like it would extend trips unnecessarily.
I really didn't think I'd approve of Chris Hemsworth as Thor, but wow. He's perfect for the roll.
@matt_mcmhn: So it is.
The Cr-48 is what notebooks should be like: Sparse
Oh, so it's legal for a slug to shoot it's love interests full of hormones, but when I do it, the police have to be called.
@king_saberhawk: Of course. It's simply a mental exercise to see if we could get a big enough collection of computers for it work well.
And I do not have a network of these set up with my friends to take down my school's website when a teacher assigns a buttload of work late at night.
Yeah, I like the concept, but that thing doesn't seem to have the same preciseness as a set of fingers. If anything, I would go for more fingers with more strength and more flexibility. Maybe a bunch of tiny tentacles.
This sounds.... phantasmagorical.
@moirtype: Reading the article is sometimes handy.
@MO3: You can haz banhammer?
@Settings: Non-human cloning is legal in the UK.
@UgoBogdan: Some boobs are infinitely great, but others are more infinitely great.
@UgoBogdan: Yes, you can.
@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: That's my whole argument.
Are you really not allowed to film a TSA checkpoint? If I were the guy, I'd simply step away from the guy who tole me to stop, wait a few second, and resume shooting.