
I love image fail.

What a weird resolution......

$100 for Kinnect, and $50 for each game.

@wagnerrp: It happens to the best of us.

It could also give helicopters cancer, but whatever's cool for you.

Whenever I need to find out something tech related, I google the the question and add Gizmodo to the end, just for the best results. You guys are so very handy.

Not feasible....

Well, more motivation to torture, rape, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasley black guts out.

@Gary_7vn: Tell me, is it easier to destroy your computer with a sledge hammer, or build it from raw materials, including the code?

@Ben R: Yup, just found it.

@Mark 2000: You think someone may have noticed, but nope.

Now playing

As se7a7n7 said below, this is simply Admiral Adama showing off the size of his sack.

What season was the badass manuever in?

Messed with the picture a little to see if I could get anything more out of it.

From the Daily Mail comments: