My IP isn't listed in there at all. Huh, I thought they were big(ish) like the ads claim.
My IP isn't listed in there at all. Huh, I thought they were big(ish) like the ads claim.
@psychonaut2021: Do the Charleston: Actually, I filled out the test in #3 pencil.
One hell of a way to impress the ladies, well done.
@Ozzie, The Banana Man Fan: Or make me food.
And this won't fix any of the numerous glitches that I have....
I'm scared to think what these people could do with $10,000.
@FriedPeeps: *CRUNCH*
@FriedPeeps: *Nom nom nom nom*
Double post.
Damn you Google.
I planned to have a productive weekend, but now RDR came along and Google has Pac-Man, so my weekend is filled.
Old Lando, Old Han, Old Chewie, and a bored hipster.
Could the main character be Ghost?
@thelaststand: Does that mean Monday night is the night for me?
@Gus Desu: It's just moving that fast in our reference frame....
In the Dollars Trilogy, Clint Eastwood is the Man with No Name....
There must be a typo somewhere.