@2 replies by: Fair enough, but I was concentrating on this bit "This new artificial larnyx could screw up that whole angle for anti-smoking advocacy groups." Any half-good group would quickly point out that you couldn't replace your lungs.
@2 replies by: Fair enough, but I was concentrating on this bit "This new artificial larnyx could screw up that whole angle for anti-smoking advocacy groups." Any half-good group would quickly point out that you couldn't replace your lungs.
You may be able to get a new larynx but can you get new lungs? Didn't think so.
Just replayed Mirror's Edge and in addition to the sometimes confusing levels, the game is actually pretty short. I don't mind having to pick up the occasional gun, but please do not make it about killing enemies. It may have been better to kill the free-runner cops w/tasers, but that is contrary to the nature of…
@Dirkcee: North Ireland is only part of the UK because of the British invasion. If the Brist hadn't sent soldiers, there would be now Ireland in the UK.
@Hi-Im-Asylum: I would pay triple too, but don't let them know that. I trust DICE, but EA might take it a little to literally...
Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi!
@Prosper: Cheers!
@nolabar10der: I am also having a problem, it seems like everyone I am connected to is stuck at 31.9%
@troopzor: Anyone have the requirements for the PC? I would love to know if I could get this game.
@Stndsh0: For some reason it deleted my comment above, but here it is.
@Fenister: "Damn, my tinfoil hat's come loose, I've lost me connection to the mothership!"
@Nexus6: The loading slides sucked, I will give you that but I honestly didn't think that the story was that hard to follow. The only big hole I saw was ****SPOILER****
@Polite Society: The writer of this article speaks English well, so I doubt that the only English fact is the confusing part.
Just replayed Mirror's Edge and praise Jebus it is amazing. There is no reason not to make another Mirror's Edge, it gives DICE a break from Battlefield.
How is the English version hard to follow? Do the accents confuse you? or is it the story?
@PurpleMonkeyDishwasher:: Don't worry, you are not alone. Even when people look at me oddly, I will still refuse to have a phone conversation in an open, public place. I also sleep with a bowie knife next to my bed, so it could be that I am just paranoid. Damn you, George Orwell!
@Wrathernaut: Nice try but that is not how it works. We are a planet with a moon orbiting a star . Planets orbit stars, moons orbit planets.
@brass2themax: Well of course you can't see the point, it is on a low resolution screen. The Zune HD will actually allow you to see the point, why else would it be HD?