
@Shisnopi: Actually the AC-130 hack is possible with the Steam P2P and I am pretty sure the grenade one is too. Once you unlock the console you can do pretty much anything. #modernwarfare2

@Scottaholic: The worst one of those I have heard is Mario (said marry-o) video calculators. #hotel

@DarthVegan: I had a preorder. It shipped from Reno, Nevada at about 9pm yesterday and got to my local UPS at 4:30am. It then took the whole day, 4:30am to 5pm, for them to deliver it to my house. And I only live 6 blocks away. Thankfully I have it now, but they really need to make sure that their shipping works, I

"My party consists of trying to figure out why the fuck my port forwarding isn't working, flipping out and opening all ports 1 to 7000 and now debugging my computer. I hope somebody firebombs IW and Activision's headquarters, fuck you people."

The only reason why I have not cancelled my pre-order from Amazon is because I am getting it for $40 on release day. It has already shipped and I am waiting eagerly. #daynote

@Adarael: I would buy Battlefield 1995: Serbo-Croatia only because Battlefield is an amazing series that are always of the highest caliber. DICE makes both that and Mirror's Edge, so I think that if they are already in development of ME2 then it is pretty safe. #ea

@excel_excel: What genre? I think it created a completely new one, unless there are other free-running action games that I haven't heard of. #ea

@sereal: Trying getting a cheap joystick, it helps so much and makes it much easier to control you landings and such. #flyinggames

@BasBalManic: For some reason, Steam is delayed. I was going to get it through Steam, but Amazon gets it to me 2 days earlier, so... #weekingames

I am playing wait for Modern Warfare 2. I might pick up Lost Winds 2 to ease the wait. #gametime

@NeVeRMoRe666: The problem that I have with that is not being able to hope into an already existing game with a friend. I am also confused how I will get to chose thet maps I play on or even the game mode.

Infinity Ward, our affair has come an end. It has been long and glorious, filled with many frags and Nazis, terrorists and bombs. Alas, I can stand it no more, you have shattered my already fragile heart. I have tenderly loved you since your fledgling days. We have invaded Normandy by plane and boat, attack Romel,

@spinning_piledriver: I am pretty sure that MW2 hasn't been release yet, otherwise Fox News would be popular again. I can see the headline now: "Modern Warfare 2: Corrupting the Minds of YOUR Children with Graphic Sex between Soldier while GUNNING DOWN Civilians like YOU!" #modernwarfare2