I loved that Mac did the exact opposite of what Frank demanded… leading to the perfect Frank response: "God damn you, Mac!"
I loved that Mac did the exact opposite of what Frank demanded… leading to the perfect Frank response: "God damn you, Mac!"
I'm learning some amAAAzing mOOves from this guy.
I think it was something like "Don't be a whore and try to bang me again, I got nothin' left."
Is this an amazing reference to the answer Charlie couldn't remember in Chardee MacDennis? If so, well played.
Honestly, I'd even throw in the Cereal Defense. It's a pretty standard gang in the bar episode with some amazing throwaway lines… and we get lawyer Charlie.
It was actually even earlier, in Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom. Mac tries getting info out of Frank to keep hold of Barbara, since she was "the best sex he ever had."
Inflatable car dealership man.