
Hmm. “Prime clients”, “active player”, “black dude”. Hearing dog whistles.

You've figured it out! Very proud of you. Carry on.


Got bait?

Fucking rays. Always going too far.

Well least you used quotes.

You do remember this post is about sex offenders, right?

Silly goose. Why would you address Barry? He’s made his point, which is infallible. His industry allows him and his ilk to be perfectly dismissed from any wrongdoing. Don’t you get it? They’re doing us a favor! If it wasn’t for “them”, we'd never hear of any of this. Silly goose.

You should stop doing that.

Eryday I'm trollin

That is the single worst insurance commercial I've ever seen.

Ya but the phone man has cooler mail than you.

This is an issue. An issue that truly ignites my ire. I am extremely opinionated concerning this issue. What an issue!

The DA called the investigation a dog and pony show? That's enough to make me think this will never see a courtroom.

I would assume if you lanced his gullet, a thousand miniature penises would gush forth.

I was thinking Ben Kingsley

Was it 5?

I'm watching you leave.

When you know him as well as I do, you call him John. I think.

What is that from?