
Thanks to all you bed wetting liberal snowflakes too scared of your own shadows to to unclench your butts to realize that crude humor has a valid place in the world.

I disagree, I think today’s culture needs to be offended by something that’s actually legitimately offensive for a change, should give them a well deserved rest from looking so hard for the next thing to cry about. I’m chuckling at the idea of Duke saying sexist jokes in front of millennial college students then

If ever there as a franchise perfectly suited to be adapted to film by Michael Bay and his ilk, it’s Duke Nukem. Short on plot, heavy on the blow shit up. Add a halfway decent writer that gets the tongue-in-cheek misogynistic bathroom humor and we’re in business.

I enjoyed the Robocop reboot myself. I felt like even though it went in a different direction, some thought was put into the actual design itself. Keaton as the big bad was pretty un-threatening though.