
Looking forward to Stephen Colbert on Late Night. Having someone with a brain in the celebrity-whore domain will be a welcome relief.

I'd like to see this with a bunch more celebrities.

Nowhere in this review does the author refer to the Battle of Salamis. Nonetheless, Athens was never a true democracy; on the most basic level, the majority of its citizens could not even vote or participate. Furthermore there is substantial evidence of democratic characteristics earlier, elsewhere. But that's all

Maybe you've also come to notice by now that it's also an unintentional laugh-fest.

He's mediocre. His monologues are mediocre. He's utterly apolitical and innocuous. He does the hard sell: He thinks laughing continuously at everyone will convince the audience that everything is funny. He slobbers worshipfully over every celebrity like a kid desperate to prove he's in with the "cool" crowd. He seems

Y'all understand that neither Terry Gilliam nor anyone who knows anything about film cars in the least what Snyder says about him, don't you? Terry Gilliam is a brilliant auteur who makes great films. Snyder is a studio hack who turns out mediocre drivel for adolescents and the slow-witted.

Snyder's a neo-fascist who makes crap movies for red state adolescents. "300" is one of the most embarrassing things ever filmed; he raped the Superman legend. "Watchmen" was probably the least crummy thing he's done, and it's mediocre at best. Why should anyone over the age of 14 who loves film care what he thinks?

I have to say that Argento's best work relies heavily on camera work, color, lighting, music, and suspense more than physical violence, though he does use graphic violence.

In reply to a brief point in your piece: I would say that Horror film is to "torture porn" as erotica (not Rom-Com) is to pornography (though some fail to distinguish between the latter two). After all, Horror films are intended to arouse fear or repulse the audience, and we cannot say that the sadism or obsession