
You’re writing a hit piece because you don’t understand how finances actually work and they didn’t give enough of THEIR MONEY to satisfy you? What have you done Ian? How have you contributed to any of this? How many unemployed families are you helping feed considering you’re one of the few people in the country still

::Finally caves and downloads Rage Lord: Legends of Aclavora::

::loads up YT video::


Goddamnit NO. ::skip::

Now playing

I love when game companies have these weird... whatever these are. I know it’s an entirely different universe of style, but they also just remind me how much I miss Kevin Butler in the PS3 era.

I was assuming it was Randy Pitchford, but hey...

You know it’s weird how this works but

Naw those people aren't willing to boycott things they actually care about. 

Cue everyone that says they won’t buy games on Epic Store to not buy another Platinum game in 3... 2...1...

You worked at a gamestop, where it’s assumed you’re going to get bottom dollar for your trade.
You think people who keep their shit nice think $5 is a fair trade on a console? lol
when you’re paying dirt prices, people bring you dirt.

What, exactly, was despicable about what they did? They didn’t dox him as they didn’t release his info to anybody. All they did was threaten to tell on him to his mom. That’s not breaking any laws, they didnt harm the child in any way, they just taught him the adult lesson that actions have consequences.

Wrong. Doxing is publishing private information. They simply let him know they could find him because he stole their shit like a little asshole. He deserved it and nobody got hurt. None of it would have happened had he not stolen the private info in the first place. That’s like saying, “You shouldn’t have to sit in a

How? If they passed the info would the mom even believe or understand it? What happens after that? In worst case mom yells you get grounded and that’s it.

Nostalgia Powers Activate

Kojima’s real game.