
It's definitely this coming Sunday night!

Thanks! Been trying to find a few races to help me reach my goals leading up to a 1/2 in the fall. Let me know if you know of some good races anywhere on the East Coast (I'm in Boston).

Haha no, I already watched it....It just made me angry, but I can't hold Julian Fellowes responsible. DAMN YOU DAN STEVENS!

My body is weird too. I drank a lot last night, but drank a TON of water. Woke up feeling fine, but the minute I started drinking more water, I started to gag. Now that I ate some eggs and toast, I feel better. So strange.

Damn! Well Mass just legalized medical marijuana so.....oh wow, you know, my back is killing me right now? I think I need a prescription.

While Season 3 may be missing some sexytime action, I actually really enjoyed it and thought it was MUCH better than Season 2, a return to the greatness of Season 1.

Oh god, I could use a little bit of weed right now...

My resolutions this year? Definitely get organized, finally run my 2nd half-marathon I've been trying to run for 4 years (hoping weight loss is a side effect of course though), be more sensible about my spending and stick to my budget, and finally figure out my future with the SO—are we really getting married or not?

YES. I'm also doing the cold night/Netflix combo but I'm having some baked french fries, and then I'll move onto some hot tea. And the dog is keeping my feet very warm. Perfect night.

I'm staying in too! And thanks to some other Jezzies, I'm feeling really good about it. Thinking of doing some brie/baguette, olives, champagne, and a West Wing marathon!

OMG yay! I've been meaning to watch this for a while. TV marathon coming up!

Dude, my ex-boyfriend got married today, and I've been to a ridic number of weddings (it doesn't help that my BF and I are on the rocks), so I understand that feeling of just wanting to have the wedding, be the center of attention, and be married.

I too am an observant Jew who needs to leave early on Fridays and takes off a lot of days in September/October. I, thankfully, have been very lucky in having my supervisors and colleagues understand my situation. I'm so sorry that you have had an awful experience with this. But it's true—many people don't discuss how

It is VERY different watching this mouse be cute, or even watching the ones at the pet store play around. It's totally different when your apartment is infested with them, as they run around your house, eating your food, shitting all over the place, mocking you with their squeaks, as they nimbly avoid the traps you've

I've had the 25th Anniversary edition on repeat, non-stop. It's becoming a problem.

Honestly, my dog (and ice cream) are the only things getting me through grad school final exams.

I love inter-species love. Nothing makes me happier than watching my dog and my guinea pig kiss each other.

Seriously, as if I haven't cried enough.

Haha well enjoy. I'm not going to lie—I definitely teared up when they said their vows. I'm such a sucker for manufactured emotion.

It's still on now! They haven't even gotten to the ceremony yet!