
Yeah, fuck people who do creative things on the Internet! Telling them to go kill themselves is an exact proportional response to what they’re doing.

Actual leftists—“There should be more books by people of color about their own lived experiences, rather than unintentional parodies of their lived experiences by people who don’t have the actual experience to draw from.”

Just from his recent commenting history:

So get this, he claims he’s a democrat...

Look, a liar.

One thing to note about R’s journal: it doesn’t actually spill the details on the squid-bomb. Rorscharch doesn’t learn the true extent/specifics of Adrian’s plan until he and Dan go to Antarctica. The journal lays out his suspicions that Adrian is at the head of some kind of conspiracy and most likely killed The

The Big Chill is good 

They were part of the tribunal at the end, along with the Kree and Shi’ar, but that’s about it.

You both siders are insufferable

Agreed, Elon’s funny as fuck.

Hi have you considered getting fucked?

Hey, I also base my worldview on an edgy adoption of the opposite of whatever most people think is sensible! And I’m a perfectly happy and well-balanced Flat Earther who has never had a vaccination or tidied his room, because it’ll just get dirty again, Mom.

...and people laughed at me for liking The Fat Boys back in the day. 

This is the only Muddy I recognize...

Muddy Muddy Muddy all up in your face!

Guys, it’s not Patriots fans who suck. It’s people from Massachusetts. 

Now that it’s all but official and a man who is not only going to give rabid conservatives the 5th reliable Supteme Court vote they’ve so desperately wanted for decades, but is also a sexual criminal, a drunk, a pathological liar, and a man who believes Trump is above the law, is the newest justice, I want to take

I’m not surprised Batman is right-leaning. you pretty much just went in a circle. It seems like you wanted to be edgy and bold and then backed down and edited your words and stance when it was pretty obvious you fucked up. For the record I hate everybody

You pussy. Who are you, Roger Waters?