
I’m sorry that you are forced to acknowledge the existence of girls.

How much does it have to be changed? It’s like Spider-Gwen. Instead of Norrin doing it for the love of Shanna, she does it for him. In your version of an FF film, how much time were you going to spend on a pre-Galactus Norrin Radd going about his private life?

You’re over it because the alien who becomes Silver Surfer didn’t originally have a penis before becoming a cosmic-powered eunuch?

What’s even the point of an adaptation that doesn’t adapt?

It will never not be funny that a corporation making the cast of an adaptation more diverse than it originally was to capture a wider audience beyond the just white children targeted by the original comic books is “woke.

That has all evolved through the comics and the movies to keep what works (formal Asgardians, if not as stilted as Stan had them; the Thing’s old-fashioned New York Jewish tough guy slang) and got rid of everything that is dated or was always bad.

Earth X.

“The only way this movie will be good is if all of the dialogue is Stan Lee dialogue from the 60s!”

FF is taking place in an AU, not the MCU. This casting does not preclude the Norrin Rad version showing up in later movies.

He hasn’t really changed.  You just grew up.

Yeah, it’s pretty crazy to make a big deal out of someone asking you to consensually do something to a costar that you have done previously to another costar without consent.

I think the premise combined with the Game of Thrones model of like finding sympathetic characters in all camps was the potential issue.

As discussed above.

You seem charming and super well-informed.

He’s a creep, but he was found guilty of inappropriate texting with a minor, not rape.  Pretty big difference there.

Pretty sure that was in regard to a hair-related bonus.

Never saw the Maniac remake, so you could be right, but the new Suspiria wasn’t good.

I mean, it’s remotely Irish, since the characters are Romanichal (or something similar; it’s been a while) Irish immigrants and Feinians played a big part in the first season.

Where did you get that from?

Same.  She’s a loon, but dill is poison.