sTalkinggoat (omicron variant)

They do that shit on purpose. Any encounter with a cop starts with them letting you in know in no uncertain terms you aint shit to them. I mean a no knock for an unlicensed firearm? How many of the cops on that raid have an unlisenced drop gun in an ankle holster? These fuckers will whine consistently about how

Those other three fuckers better not skate because of this. They can all share a cell.

The defense should be able to bring up that guy’s record. I mean if he’s going to claim with confidence “She’s a good cop” the jury should be able to see what his standards are and what that actually means.

The fact that its against policy to deploy a taser on someone operating a car but she’s going to try to claim that’s what she was about to do, but Ooops shot him dead instead? Only a cop can get away with claiming that they were actually trying to commit a different crime from the one they actually did as a defense

Wornock is the only on here talking about it consistently. Pointing out how Dems will change the filibuster rules for the debt ceiling but I guess voting rights aren’t deserving on the same, while President Manchin still out here talking about bipartisanship

Maybe the Judge knows something we don’t. Liz Cheney keeps hinting the 1/6 committee is finally going to indict Trump himself.

Like I’m sure she’d have the same energy if it was someone else getting denied service for ripped jeans.

Conservatives only care about things when it affects them directly.

They should have fired her the moment she started with that antivax shit. I mean how hard is it to keep your dumb opinions to yourself and collect your money? I will never understand this shit.

Last resort but the first thing a cop will do after stepping out of the car is unsnap their holster.

Is all that shit extra ammo? He planning to siege Kabul

How loud was he playing his Creedance Tapes to not hear the crash and subsequent racket? 

Only in America is calling 40 shooters to roll on a dude because you feel like he owes you respect, not terrorism.

I was like damn! Russia? Then I realized it was Florida and I felt even worse for him. Good luck with that shit. The mayor after him is going to be a Donald Trump Impersonator. You know they already mad as shit they had to cancel their circus party.

I ‘m so glad I got out of Columbus. I’ve never seen a town with so many different PDs.

You just said a whole lot of nothing. The prosecutor at the time is the one who tainted the lineup. And the method they used isn’t bad because the science is bad. Its bad because they were doing in in a way that allowed them to interpret the data anyway they felt like. The prosecutor either fully well knew it wasn’t

She was the highest fundraiser in the House at one point. Don’t know if she still is but the fact is the Trumpers love her. She’s not going anywhere and she’ll get her committee assignments back too 

I keep saying this and people want to tell me I’m wrong but guarantee Kamala Harris doesn’t consider herself black. I grew up in the Caribbean, I’ve known plenty of half-indians and if they can pass for Indian they’ll pass Just like how the lightskint Indians will pass for white (looking at you Nikki Haley). Hell, a

She wrote a bestselling book about it. Maybe she wasn’t wrong in her part of it but it made her rich and famous.

This is the same argument as that for Reparations. Maybe you won’t directly involved but you benefitted while others lost and if you agree that is unfair then you should help restore some of that loss. I

That’s usually how its goes in a stitch up like this. Eyewitness testimony, especially that of traumatized victim is basically worthless. Its also trivially easily to implant a false memory in a victim when you’re in a position of trust and authority. They just steer her towards their preferred candidate then create

That’s thing. A PI 40 years after the fact figured out their whole case was bullshit, the prosecutor at the time certainly knew it to. And if they stitched up one man to close a case they probably did it to 100s of others. But the state is acting like this is some isolated fluke.