
My thoughts exactly. I'd have more hope for this series if it was on HBO or AMC (Hell on Wheels not withstanding). I'll wait for the reviews.

Excited to see Red Lights

Looking forward to a new Laundry book although since Stross seems to be moving Bob Howard into the role of running spies, instead of doing field work I kind of wonder if the series will shift protagonists.

Mr. That Guy

Grado SR-80i. Nuff. Said.

That some sort of sports reference?

Dan Harmon was on The Indoor Kids podcast a few weeks back and he seems not too worried about. They've probably already got a deal all but signed.

Every time I get one more piece of confirmation of the amazing douche Rushie seems to be, it blows my mind all over again,.

Cyber-Noir is a thing that exists.

Isn't Non-SF Cyberpunk just (not "just" in a diminshing way) Noir.

Yeah, its pretty crazy. I first heard about the whole just after it ended, mostly because I hang out in places where people talk about Conspiracy Theroists instead of talking about Conspiracy Theories. I can see why it got so much attention though. There's just enough detail (The schematics, the parallel timeline

Can I get an invite? I'm not gay but I don't mind watching.

Needs more Bromance and 19th century fashion.

Oh, I see the disconnect. You're looking for a "good show". I'm looking for a spectacle.

Here's what I noticed.

I don't watch True Blood anymore because A) I think the show is a turd bomb going off for 45 minutes per episode

Oh, cause you thought a guy with the username ArrogantBastard would bother to read the original article.

I actually like DS9, but yeah religion masquerading badly as SF is Ron Moore's stock in trade.

For godsakes do not watch the last episode. In fact you can just about skip the last 5. Trust me on this.

Well Taylor pretty runs the place. There is no law really its whatever he decides so of course he's not going to exile the girl who's been like a daughter to him. He couldn't shoot his nutbag,daddy issue addled son given numerous opportunities.