
Who would steal a plaster Jesus?

Well, I disagree in your assessment that people won't contribute money to do "good". Since you mentioned Haiti I'll point out the $200 mil donated to Haitian relief didn't materialize out of thin air.

And before you even ask, yes, I *have* given money to help Haitian earthquake victims and others who actually deserve it.

Oh, man. I kind of miss making those Mormon kids uncomfortable when they come to my door. I don't even get solicited by the Jehovah's Witness outside the train station anymore. In my town its like everyone has stopped trying.

Ah, yes. The old starving kids in Africa fallacy.

I think its the Network's fault. They try to start all these shows off with a string of one off episodes to attract viewers. Thats pretty much a strategy that only works for procedurals where the show is all about the Case of the Week and you can jump in anywhere and recognize the character archetypes. Doesn't work

This is Michael Bay. There's always a "funny" ethnic stereotype. The man can't resist, its like and involuntary reflex.

That's pretty funny. I assume as you're typing this you're also feeding all the starving children of Africa, curing cancer and planting trees with your free-hand.

Yah. I'm curious about that too. If it were a reasonable amount you could start a Kickstarter project to fund it no problem.

No. I think this is an opportunity for some real interesting work here.

Huh...A man walks in here and says something like that, people know he's not afraid of anything.

1. Long Pork

See I tend to get bored with Sandbox RPGs much more quickly than a linear RPG. Probably because I get distracted and never really engage with the main story.

Yeah, Ive noticed that too. Maybe he should just stick to be a Television actor.

I'd describe it as more BSG meets Jericho. I'm really disappointed by this. I didn't expect BBC to pull a Fox and cancel the thing two weeks in.

Goddamn it! This is why I've stopped watching thing until I know they've made it to Season 2.

As if any self respecting robot prophet would have such a lengthy, inefficient name.

Toaster? But it does make excellent toast...

Now there's a project I can get behind. Here my CC#.

So many people will completely miss the point.