
@johnnyichiban: How do you get that from these statistics? Japan appears nowhere in them.

@Jonn: Trying explaing to a 13 year old why you're not on facebbok/twitter/foursquare/flickr etc.

Is January like Anime Con season? There seems to be an awful lot of them this month.

@NaraDance: Huh? You limit yourself by the vagaries of network television scheduling?

@Damob: Thats from the much maligned Legend of the Seeker series. I started watching it after channel surfing into this very scene. I wasn't looking at the dude though.

@Relbelle: thats how you know its over.

@grimjack28: Was that a Handmaid's Tale reference or last Sunday at your church? If its the latter I might have to give this religion thing another look...

@AndrewWiggin: Knit a bullet vibe into that and you've got something.

@RedBoxMangler: "The 42" set in my den looks great with 3D, but my 100" screen in the media room kills it with the remaining 1,500 films in my collection."

@KenJr: Show me 3D without the glasses and I might be interested.

@Aerothermal Heat: Must be a mistake on their part. I have cable internet but no Cable TV but my TV pulls nothing off of the line. Just be careful they don't realize their mistake and back bill your for the last 8 months though.

@SupaChupacabra: Someone is over at SyFy pitching this movie as we speak...

@ParryLost: Who feels like technological progress has slowed down? The technological changes of the past 100 years dwarf the changes of the hundred before that. Hell, the changes of the past 20 years dwarf the changes of the 20 before that.

@s1nister912: I'd buy that argument if I had a Neilsen box, or however they measure ratings now.

@ladypeyton: I'd almost rather that. The network TV model is ludicrous. TV needs to go to something like a kickstarter model where can pre-pay for a season pass/DVD of a show you like to see get made and bypass the whole network system. Cable is only slightly better. We're already at the point where the vast majority

I can't wait until they use this on an Episode of CSI.

@izikavazo: After Firefly I pretty made it a rule to only start watching shows if they made it to a second season. But now it looks like now not even that is safe. I'm pretty much going to have to start watching things only after they've finished their complete run.

@Nivenus: Its wierd how much they both look like Katie Perry. I think there's a black budget compound somewhere missing some of its clone Assassins.

@clytamnestra: But if you're unpleasant and violent the availability or unavailability of paid sex is unlikely to have any effect on your demeanor.

@AmphetamineCrown: Gore's had to lighten up on their requirements ever since their patent expired and any outdoor company with some spare dollars to throw at R&D has come up with their own membrane. Most of them ARE crap. eVent might be the only exception so far.