Mistah Doe

Danny remains the weakest link? Man, I had such high hopes for Iron Fist until they royally fucked up the series and now this?!? I previously read that Defenders series doesn't pick up until episode 3 and that within itself is alarming considering that there's 8 eps total. Netflix screwed the pooch by having DD

Jeebsus christ! When will the Alt-Reich madness end?!?
America is becoming more and more of a joke since President Cheeto got sworn into office.
And his dumbass rubes are still drinking that Kool-Aid to the extent of being so embolden to say or do whatever the hell they wish without the fear of reprecussions.
Yes, folks

"Fortunately, it seems that horror is starting to tend away from torture porn and could be said to be moving towards more psychological and frankly, less gory, storylines. The success of Babadook, Get out, It Follows, the Conjuring, The Witch, etc. attest to that."

" He's sort of like the worst parts of Tarantino without any of the talent."
Well put!

" He's sort of like the worst parts of Tarantino without any of the talent."
Well put!

After Cabin Fever, there is no defending this hack whatsoever.
The dumbass ending involving the blatant use of "Ni99er" was more offensive especially since it didn't fit the narrative or tone of the movie. Instead, it was used as sophomoric shock value. I throw him in the same catagory as Michael Bay. however, in

Sugar Ray was legit during the time they went hardcore metal but got silly when they belted out poppy tunes like "I wanna fly" and then there was this shit:

Good call!!!

The Villianess looks like its worth checking. Can't say the same for Ghost In The Shell.
The jury is still out on Atomic Blonde it seems.

"The cause for Bezos’ brief rise and subsequent fall from “richest” to “still rich enough to buy and sell your entire family” was a surge in Amazon stock in advance of the company’s quarterly earnings report, which briefly estimated Bezos’ net worth at $92.3 billion, ahead of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’ $90.8

Funny, I thought Trump was a cartoon character already.

If it ain't natural flavor, its shit!
Fried Green Tomato flavor might go well with a turkey n swiss sammich however.

"People face catastrophic health issues all the time. Many of them even haven't participated in turning their country into a circus sideshow. A lot of them suffer alone and impoverished. Plenty others of them haven't the advantages of health care that John McCain enjoys but would deny to them."

"Okay, maybe Bannon. But I'm sure he'd just summon some dark ghoul to slurp the tumor out of his open brain cavity."
I know, right?

"Whoever wins, we all lose"!

Why were you shocked? Trump supporters are full of rubes and uncaring trash.

I'll give him that at least.

"I'd feel the same way if the news had been about Trump, Pence, Sessions, Bannon, or McConnell. "
I sure as fuck wouldn't! It's more than just "disagreeing with them, they are so corrupt and not to mention pushing their own agendas regardless of how many will suffer.I could care less for those who would cause harm to

Tru dat!