Mistah Doe

Wasn't this guy against MLK having a National holiday and not to mention that he was part of the Keating Five? I'm no fan of his whatsoever, but that's unfortunate news.
Glad to know that Jimmy Carter is still alive and kicking!

Would rather play a new videogame based on JC's The Thing, but its whatever..

Fair enuff.

"Jesus, wept"..!
Its all in the matter of delivery, context and formula that is akin to Chappelle's show. *AHEM* I'm not refering to Sketch comedy as its plain obvious since SNL, but social commentaries and race oriented humor. But hey, we agree to disagree.😎

I can't understand the appeal of Key & Peele's Comedy central show (As like Carlos mencia, its a blatant ripoff of Chapelle's Show.) but nontheless, I'm glad to hear how they branched outside of televison with sucessful projects like Keanu and of course, Get Out.

Yes, it was!

The Hound is one of my favorite Anti-Heroes alongside Vic Mackey and Jax Teller!
His character development is one of the better examples from GOT. He's a ruthless bastard but has some sense of honor which was demonstrated during the Battle of Blackwater and after the events from The Broken Man, you knew shit was…

Romero had influnced so many talented individuals, from filmakers (Lucio Fulci) to game developers (Shinji Mikami of Resident Evil fame) that all these guys owe a great debt to the legendary Director. Sure, his non too recent films haven't been up to snuff but overall he revitilized the Zombie genre and the Horror…

Loved that scene! LMMFAO

"The plot I was never happy with the Said's murder, although that was pretty late in the show so it doesn't hurt it overall."
That's when i stopped watching for a while. Dumb reason for killing him off was because of a debate he had with an old guy? Schilenger's death wasn't as glorious as i wouldv'e hoped and…

And the most intmidating character as well.Guy took out Chuck Zito with a can of tomatoes before raping his wannabe gangsta friend!

I know right? Guy is still getting work post SVU, if it ain't man of Steel, it's Call of Duty Black Ops 3! Solid actor!

OZ was the "Scared Straight" of the 90's!
Those rape scenes were brutal and anyone who would still break the law after watching a few eps, has to question their sanity. Certain scenarios may have been exxagerrated to push forward the narrative, but its very cautionary nonetheless.

I'll stick with Sonic generations instead. "SEGGGGGAAAAAA"!

I'm not the one peddling bullshit.
The media and the court of public opinion has already done it, twofold!

What happend to "innocebt until proven guily"? Oh wait, he's black!🤤 Funny how women are convinced he's guilty of rape, yet 60 percent of (White) women voted a rapist into the Whitehouse.😒

"… the ongoing tragedy that the United States somehow elected a racist, incompetent bully and know-nothing to be our ambassador to the world."

Now why in the hell would Andrea Constand continue to see him five or seven times if he (Cosby) raped/molested her? Something is real fishy about her claim.

What's next, will the Wingnuts blame the Black Panther trailer for this mass shooting?