
Liberals are the reason Trump was elected. If the liberal faction of capitalism had actually stood up for and fought for the working class and oppressed, the enviro, and diplomacy, instead of pretending to do all those things, signing onto every illegal invasion and occupation, signing neoliberal legislation that

Yes she’s a capitalist, right? So she still supports the extraction of surplus values from the working class. How is that an improvement?

Democrats are imperialists, they can’t possibly take any high road. They sign onto every illegal invasion and occupation that comes across their desks.

Because Cankles is a war criminal. She laughed after Ghadafi’s murder by Obomb, she supported the destruction of Libya even though it was an illegal invasion, she supported the Syrian occupation, she is one of the admitted architects of the coup in Honduras in which Obomb and Cankles ousted Zelaya and had a military

I don’t get the outrage if he resigns. Another capitalist will just take his place. What the hell’s the difference? They all want unending imperialist projects, illegal invasions and occupations, and saber rattling RF, DPRK, and Venezuela.

LOL. That’s rich coming from the party that gave Bubba Clinton cover for his sexual transgressions. You’re “better” than this but not better than bombing the crap out of innocent people. Makes perfect sense.

Just want to say I despise the way liberal wing of capitalism tarnishes the entire white working class of the South.

You’re defending Franken, though, so clearly you must defend his FP.

Bombing eight countries in eight years was “pretty great”? So you’re an imperialist?

In other words, you’re supporting the perpetration of crimes against humanity on Palestinians. Good going.

All capitalists feel the way you, what the fuck is new? Sorry about your peeps but there was a revolution under way in the fSU and it had to be protected from class collaborators.

Then stop voting for capitalists. It’s the reactionary wing of capitalism that controls everything. For better or worse, liberals are the cause of that. You enable fascists. You’re as bad as the reactionary wing.

The liberal capitalist wing has consistently turned on anybody to their left, including Sanders (although Sanders is an imperialist, so he’s not much of a leftist, but the liberals think he is, so they threw him under the bus).

I also wonder if they lose sleep over shit like this, because they probably know they could be next. But Franken doesn’t even care about Israel murdering Palestinian children, so he’s a freaking sociopath anyway.

The good guys aren’t capitalists. That includes Franken, a known Zionist.

I don’t consider Zionists “good guys.” Franken supports the bombing of Gaza and the stealing of Palestinian land.

Typical liberal grasping at straws. You folks are as bad as the reactionary wing of capital.

CYA. Just like Takei - I really don’t “remember.”

Isn’t Franken a Zionist though? Are you an imperialist?

I was expecting to come to Jezebel and see the liberals defending this guy.