
When the Cybertruck first made its debut in 2019, company CEO Elon Musk stood on stage and told the world that it would start at $39,900.

I would expect more movement when the Model Y “Juniper” update comes out this year. The fact is that the sedan market is on its last legs in the US. I think the only reason the Model 3 got the Highland update before Model Y got the Juniper update is because sedans are still really big in China. (Model 3 Highland

Tesla’s U.S. EV market share fell to 48%.

I did mention Lucid in the post you replied to. But the price different sort of takes it away from being a fair comparison in most cases.

Not convinced that if you removed the Tesla badge and showed these to a random non-car person off the street that they would even clock them as being from the same brand, let alone both being a Model 3 produced one day apart.

Agreed on Model 3.

Haven’t updated in which way?

Good job Norway. Sticking it to the myth that EVs and cold weather aren’t compatible. I only personally have one friend who lives in Norway, and they do drive an EV!

Interesting coincidence perhaps that not only were both rental trucks, but that they were both EVs.

people who aren’t familiar with EVs are renting them and doing god knows what to charge them up.

I had a similar recall for my Fiat 500 Abarth that I haven’t done yet. Something about how the percentages were off for when it should be illuminated. Of course no OTA update, so I’d need to go the dealer. The problem of course is that I’ve modified the ECU to delete a few modules (airbag, stereo, bluetooth) because

Their mistake was still having any Foundation Series left unsold when they began selling the normal series. Foundation Series was meant to be a limited run where you’re paying for the limited badge to show you were First. But once you could buy a normal one simultaneously, the badge has become meaningless.

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TFL (popular youtube car channel) picked theirs up earlier in the week, and paid around $1300 in tax, and then $0/$0. There was a previous lease deal where it was $100/mo with $0 down or something and someone else on staff already had that car. The dealership employee said they were ordering as many as Fiat would give

Same, right? At the normal list price it just doesn’t make sense

His secret plan is that by damaging the brain cells of the average American with continued pollution exposure, it results in a never-ending supply of red voters.

Aside from instantly updating the expiration date like another commenter replied, I’ve heard they also have the ability to change to say “STOLEN” and stuff like that if reported through the proper channels

I think it’s just Stellantis’s inexperience that leads to the weight. Perhaps that they designed the chassis to be for both ICE and EV, so it’s inheriently a best platform for neither. At around 5800 lbs for the Charger, compare it to a Model S Plaid at 4800 lbs that has maybe 100 miles more range and is quicker and

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For all we know, it could just be one car sitting at the back of the lot. I tried to figure it out, and I called the dealerships three times, but I never got an answer.

Hm, just the $3750 then since an extremely quick Google search says it’s made in Ontario

For the minority like you, there is always the aftermarket. Enhance Auto has the “S3XY Knob” which has an OEM look and is installed onto the center console. It provides basically what you want, without having to put something most buyers are fine never having into every car.