
I agree with @Bladecutter1 in that if they made them usable in the first place, people would use them. Some of the EVs out there right now with frunks have them so small you couldn’t even fit a single high school backpack. I keep mine full of mainly emergency supplies. My EV’s hood is kind of annoying to close but

And it seems there always has been, even before there was the political angle. Or I guess there always was a political angle, just for different reasons. Used to be that electric cars were the devil’s creation because they’re going to take away our beloved gas cars, and once electric cars became widely accepted, they

I suppose so. Even the Pontiac G8 (that I have) apparently sold 38,000 units, compared to the 10,000 Oceans that exist

Fair point. Even today, some parts I need I can still get at the Chevy dealer (like switch relays). But some parts I can’t, and they don’t even do service on anymore (like replacing the memory chip on a gauge cluster circuit board, which I had to go to a 3rd party specialist for).

Too bad she left the site, or I’d also ask how many Alalanis Kings does it fit.

Pontiac and other brands didn’t see this kind of depreciation after they folded though, did they? And they’ve even bounced back: I have a 2009 Pontiac that after 13 years only had around 20% depreciation (though the whole market has sagged in the couple years since)

it’s going to be offered with two trim levels: Charger Daytona R/T and Charger Daytona Scat Pack – not dissimilar to the naming scheme of the older Dodge siblings

Nowadays airlines are installing Starlink for overwater persistent internet connections. Soon will be gone the days where MH370 could just vanish outside of data coverage. Present day only the geographic poles are uncovered by Starlink. The only places you can’t use it are places where politics have come in the way.

I’ve seen figures anywhere from 150,000 to 400,000 miles of expected life for current-gen Tesla batteries and motors. The factory warranty is 8 years 120k miles in most cases.

To save you the slideshow, here are the 10 year totals.

On the way out of Copenhagen we took a half hour walk through some trails in a field through a train station in Nyborg and then to a service plaza (which had CCS chargers we couldn’t use!) to have some good old ‘Murican McDonalds.

The plane can’t complete an approach and land itself.

That’s a good point. $2800/mo for rent, utilities, and probably all-you-can-eat food. That’s probably a lot less than a bunch of the people here pay for expenses to live in middle America.

What an up-standing captain. He really has a good angle about what’s going on.

I can kind of appreciate the Tron-like outlines, but it just makes me think of Rich Energy, which leaves a bad taste in my mouth (pun intended).

Recent horror story fresh off my mind. Went to pick up my rental car at the Copenhagen Denmark airport, a Fiat 500e. Turns out they were out of 500e’s, so they gave me a Renault Zoe, “it’s equivalent!”, they said. Which I was definitely sad about, since some of you know me as the guy building the “Angry Egg” Fiat 500

I would assume that would mean it has a vehicle title issued by Maine. With a vehicle title you can get registration and license plates. If you don’t have a title, you usally can’t (for example a Humvee with no title may be trailer to an off-road site but can’t drive on the paved public roads).

Whether or not you’ll enjoy driving it on public roads still remains to be seen, though, because, well, we’re talking about a race car here.

If you’re going fast enough and stop suddenly, for example hitting a thick tree, it could be as simple as the human body couldn’t take the G-forces, or maybe collapsed lungs from the seatbelts as the rest of the body tried to accelerate past it but couldn’t.

Ioniq 5N already has that rally car vibe so it would probably look good on OZs too