Considering that you need to make over $300,000/yr as a married couple, $225,000/yr for head-of-household, or $150,000/yr if single, I’m not convinced that the buyer of a $39,000-$42,000ish car would typically exceed those numbers.
1st Gear: Tesla Kills Its Cheapest Car
It’s likely this are. There isn’t a “gate” or anything. it’s just some sort of drainage ditch that probably had grass obstructing anything. Not somewhere I would want to walk anyway especially since there are paved roads all around, but if I were to walk through there I wouldn’t do it unless I was wearing boots.
Agreed. I’ve owned two Fiat 500s, currently have an Abarth. I also have 2 EVs in my household.
Did we watch the same video? What more than the U-Turn did he do? Is it really that unusual to see a semi truck near a warehouse?
Agreed, not convincing enough that he was participating, and looked more like he was just doing a U-Turn and people started jumping on the back
Agreed. My commute is only 50 miles daily but I’ve let it run the entire thing without intervention before just to see if it could. Realistically I do take over sometimes, due to the same reasons as you, when it’s creeping around too slowly at a decision point and I’ve already verified we can make it.
I guess I’m not sure why it’s not considered Level 3. I think the key is the “When the feature requests, you must drive”. Meaning it’s driving except when there’s an edge case, and that’s when you take over, which is what it does present day. It hesitates with cross traffic especially with angles without great camera…
Unfortunately it’s still the norm in Europe. Everywhere or almost everywhere I’ve driven in Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Czechia, Switzerland, France, it’s required to pay inside!
Possibly and maybe even what SpaceX does (or maybe what was supposed to happen here but malfunctioned). Though maybe you’d get some false positives if one leg hit before the others, or if there was any bounce. IIRC the Apollo lunar landers had some sort of probes extended down below the feet, though I’m not sure if…
I wasn’t even on public transit, I was just walking down the sidewalk in NYC with some friends, and suddenly a buy was angrily pounding on my shoulder from behind, “HEY, HEY!”. I turned around like what is this guy’s problem. “I SAW YOU LOOKING AT ME!” and I was like “I wasn’t, I’ve never seen you before.”. Turns out…
The rocket was still aloft above the pad when the cutoff happened and came crashing down to the surface.
Yikes, what phone provider do you have? I was sort of surprised that I even had a good data connection when I got off a cruise ship and went into the jungle in Honduras
Absolutely. And they use the rocket launch window as a cover for any noise made while creating a secret Boring Company tunnel under the Rio Grande!
Definitely somebody got lazy. But I’ll bet it wasn’t SpaceX proper. Nor do I think they’ll get anywhere close to $15 million out of the lawsuit
If you want to broadcast an emergency to the American people, it’s far easier and more effective to do it by phone.
So maybe not an “honest” mistake, but not with extraordinary malicious intent, was my point. The foreman, probably working for some 3rd party local construction contractor, probably thought they could slip in, build the houses, and slip out before anyone noticed the ground on an abandoned lot being trampled. If being…
It would be interesting to know what the land is actually worth. It’s a 0.37 acre lot that until these houses started popping up was literally miles from anything in the Texas desert. Because of SpaceX the value has surely shot up since you can see the Starship launch pad 4 miles away on the horizon.