
I said:

Yes I suppose being the highest altitude woman in history, and youngest woman on a space walk is definitely one for the record books!

Accidental double post, see:

You’re allowed to have fun while doing productive work. It’s quite unfortunate if your life involves going to work and being sad for 8 hours a day.


Wouldn’t have just ceramic coating the stainless steel worked? And cut out the middleman of needing the wrap? Or does ceramic coating not adhere to steel?

Other networks are adopting the plug too, though. It’s not just that they’ll be able to charge at Supercharger. The plan is for all of them to use the Tesla/NACS/J3400 connector and some like ChargePoint are already switching over present day. I’ve used both, and NACS is a 2-fingered operation while CCS1 really takes

Did they ever actually say that? The problem was never that Tesla had a monopoly, it’s that the competition was unreliable and using chunky hard to use connectors. Public charging has existed for longer than Tesla, Tesla just did it right with Supercharger and their plug style (now called NACS/J3400). So successfully

Cybertruck in gear. Jeep in gear.

I think it’s the tip right by the headlights that drops off so fast that is really noticeable. But the headlight bumps themselves are higher than the middle (which is what reminds me of a Porsche 911, but not to that extreme)

It’s not any sort of brag to say you own one of the best selling cars in the world. I’m purely commenting on how the car I drive every day has a much more wedge-shaped hood than traditional sedans, which already had better near-field visibility than SUVs.

Reminds me of my mom when I was learning to get my driver’s license. She was always the driver for the household, so when it was her turn to sit in the passenger seat, she thought I was going to hit even single mailbox we drove by, because she was like 3 feet further to the right than she ever had been before

I would love to see this graphic with even more cars. My daily driver is a Tesla Model 3 where the nose slants down quite a bit like a Porsche 911 because no front engine, so I would guess it’s even better than the Camry shown here

Listen, I know the Cybertruck isn’t the only vehicle in the world that can only be towed on a flatbed because it could be damaged otherwise

Having had my fair share of cars around the 100-150hp range, and my current daily driver being just shy of 400, I would say at least 350hp or it would feel too slow. I can’t imagine whatever my next daily driver will be will have any less than 400!

What exactly are the claims you speak of? I don’t remember anything in any marketing material that said “drive from the lower 48 to the Arctic Ocean!”. They could’ve done this in any EV, but it gets them better press to do it in a Cybertruck, and now they’ve enabled any EV to make the journey. Lack of infrastructure

Wait, sometimes you don’t?

“If in fact it’s a failure in a self-driving or a driving system, that may not be a homicide by DUI even if the driver is intoxicated,” he said

My exact question. I have a 2018 Tesla Model 3 and if I’m oogling at a cool passing oncoming car for more than a couple seconds it starts complaining.