Can we get some credit for Ben Shapiro and other pearl-clutching douche bags who helped spread the song to audiences that might not have otherwise encountered it?
Can we get some credit for Ben Shapiro and other pearl-clutching douche bags who helped spread the song to audiences that might not have otherwise encountered it?
Levin was trying to explain that Harris is not an African American and that her ancestry, “does not go back to slavery at all.”
Young White women do it too. They claim some random Native DNA or more recently I have experienced a White women claiming a distant black Caribbean Ancestor. Usually they do it to center themselves in conversation or groups . They also do it to attempt to gain access to spaces especially established for non-white…
They’re already painting Kamala as a hypocrite (law and order record but will kowtow to radical leftists???) and I really don’t know if it’s going to actually stick. It all reads as pretty desperate.
Splinter might be dead, but Jez is still alive.
Thankfully, Splinter is dead.
This. I would say that someone should draw a Venn diagram of “Bernie Bros” and “People that keep saying that KH is a cop,” but I’m 99% sure it would just be a single circle.
They’ll be here soon enough. It’s going to be a contest between “Kamala is a cop” and “it should’ve been Warren.”
Okay, so can we get a promise from Jezebel not to tank her and Biden both with the “Kamala is a cop” stuff?! Lots riding on this ticket, folks.
So, when’s that Harris versus Pence debate?
Wait, Ben Shapiro is married, yet he’s unfamiliar with wet pussies?
Very true. I mean, singing along to the Spice Girls where they are very clearly talking about doing the sex when I was 14 years old!! My poor mother.
I’m glad good things are happening for Megan Thee Stallion. I cannot imagine being shot then have assholes act like it was cool to joke about.
Maybe its the hospital administration’s obligation to make an accommodating workplace just like all other workplaces. We ask workplaces to allow pregnant women or breastfeeding woman to have accommodations (yes, even allowing them to rearrange their schedules or move to part time for the time or take intermediate…
I’m too tired for this.
Untraceable, minority sock puppet accounts/”friends “with tragic backgrounds: it’s the latest fashion accessory for social media activists with less than great inclusivity records.
This story reads like it was created through a 2020 bingo generator.
*checks watch* Yup, it’s WTF O’clock already
I don’t think Barnum was in this for the money, I think she had the reaction much like the “Women’s March” movement initially had when issues about inclusiveness and intersectionality came up, the typical white feminist response that is defensively sticking up for one’s own intentions. The “I mean well and I’m doing…