
If they are serious about rebuilding, he wouldn’t be in their plans and taking up a roster spot. He’s also a lousy fielder with a surprisingly weak arm. There is zero true baseball upside to signing him, unless the Mets fanbase has turned into the same people you’d see in a MAGA rally in Alabama. 

Indianapolis should be on the list, not because I like Indianapolis, but because if you put an NL team there, they’d draw 2 million just from hosting Cubs, Reds and Cardinals games there. 

Suzanne Vega must be STOKED.


Maggie Gray should sit court side at every Knicks-Nets game in Brooklyn with Charles Oakley.

We are all Robin Ficker. 

Wasn’t it actually Harold Miner’s jersey?

These two had more hits than Cabrera did this season.

Well, there’s a reason the draft only goes two rounds now. Plus, drafting any 6'11" guy in the 4th round is a good move. 

The greatest player to ever come out of a SUNY school, in any sport ever, either in the past or the future.

Half the bars on the Northwest side of Chicago serve Okocim beer, so if you want one, they’ll be easy to procure for Monday night.  

Catsuit? She looks like a yoga mom.

Outside of the Bash Brothers years, and including the great teams of the 1970's, Oakland has rarely drawn. 

Which pretty much eaten only by tourists. Deep Dish is to Chicago Pizza what Foster’s is to Australian Beer, mate.

I have season tickets, and I tell my kids NOT to stand when they bring out some 3rd string long snapper from the 1985 Bears, or anyone else from that year. For God’s sake, win something, and stop with 30 plus year old nostalgia. 

Well, at the very least it would reestablish the Brewers-Twins rivalry that used to exist before the Brewers left the AL. The Twins at this point don’t have either a geographic or historic rival of note that sells tickets, so I’m not sure why they’d want to stay in the Al at this point; getting the Brewers and Cubs x

Colorado needs to swap leagues, to that AL midwest you’ve got there, maybe change places with the Twins.

Buffalo had their chance in 1969, but the Expos were somehow able to clear the snow off Jarry Park and put up extra bleachers in time for opening day. That being said, the team would have moved even if you’d have gotten it back then.

Indianapolis is never on the list, but it really should be; the AAA team is one of the highest drawing minor league teams, the metro area is growing, there’s a decent corporate base, etc. The only thing is that it would need to be an NL team - just the games with the Cubs, Cardinals and Reds alone would keep the